Cold easterly wind ....

11th March 2022 (Friday)   08.45 ....There’s a bitterly cold wind coming in

from the North Sea (I’ve been down at the harbour) and 'light showers' are  mentioned in the weather forecast.   At the moment it’s misty but dry.... and cold.  I won’t be going much further than Ivy gate today;  in fact, I’m sorry to say that I’ll be contributing to the shareholders in the energy companies today .... albeit a few notches lower than their central heating will be set at.   All that extra money we’re paying has to go into somebody’s pocket.  

I’m feeling good this morning;  oh.... I have sneezed a couple of times, but I’m feeling playful;  but won’t be going out to play.   Today is going to be a computer/TV and a multiple cuppas day.   

15.30    At one point this morning I wasn’t going further than the front gate;  well I changed my mind when the sub broke through about 09.30.   By 09.45 I was on the bike and on my way to Elie Estate;  there was a lovely ‘light’ around and I didn’t want to miss it.    At that time it wasn’t as windy as it is it was reasonably warm in the sun....especially sheltered from the wind.    I photographed my way through the estate (the estate road has been really well ‘oovered and dusted by Stewart) then home by way

of Elie and Chapel Green.   By the time I got back to Ivy the wind had freshened and becoming a nuisance.... so I was glad to get in and put the kettle ‘on’.   The only thing is that I feel guilty about, is that the central heating wasn’t on, therefore I didn’t contribute to the energy company shareholders.   Anyway I enjoyed my bit of exercise.  It’s bitterly cold out there now;  and I definitely I won’t be going further than the gate.   I need to switch something ‘on’ .... oh aye.... the kettle.

21.30     I did a ‘Test’ this evening and it was ‘Clear’.  I’m happy being ‘outside the herd’;  until the warmer weather comes anyway.   

I see that we have a wet evening.... and the rain is to be with us, in the form of light

showers’, tomorrow.   Showers, in between spells of sunshine I like;  there might be interesting clouds around.    No ‘plan’ for tomorrow though I will go out at some point.

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