Quiet morning ....

25th March 2022 (Friday)     08.00 ....It's a ‘sunny with a gentle breeze’

morning;  and the gentle breeze is from the westerly direction, so a bonnie day ahead.    I'm  having a cuppa before going for the paper;  actually I might just do the Elie Estate run this morning..... I have George’s (Mex) ‘Celebration of Life’ service in the afternoon.   That reminds me;  I don’t know whether to wear a suit or go ‘smart casual’.... Memorial services are less ‘formal’ than they used to be.

11.30    My word it is a crackin’ day....the temperature is rocketing up to near sun cream level.   I’ve been for the paper and checked the harbour then came home by way of Elie Estate.  It should be warm in the afternoon and a good day6for the beach.    I’m, going to have something lunch then get organised for George’s Service this afternoon;   I’m going ‘smart casual’.  

21.00      I had a really pleasant catch up chat with Alice (George’s wife), and family Izzy, Karen and Theresa, and their families, celebrating George’s life.   Remembering Izzy, Karen and Theresa as bairns just reminded me of how time flies right enough.   Alice was telling me that, in the quiet cul-de-sac where she lives, everyone knows each other and they all look out for each other;  and the girls (and families ) all live within ten miles of her.   Yes it was a lovely get ‘thegither’, to say ‘cheerio’ to a much loved man.... George (‘Mex’) Mitchell.    Oh ..... ‘smart casual’ was the ideal dress code;  I did ‘smash-ish casual’... which for me was ‘nae bad’.

As far as the weather goes this has been the best day of the year so far;  at one time the garden thermometer reached 15C.... very summery.   I thought about going out on the bike when I got back home, but fell asleep in The Hutte when having a cuppa.    Tomorrow is going to be another ‘sunny with a gentle breeze’ day.... but the gentle breeze is going to come off the sea in the afternoon.   It’s going to be a ‘rest day’ for me;  pottering around on the bike and garden.

Michael has just phoned to tell me that there’s been a fire on a farm near Colinsburgh; 

imagine getting the local Colinsburgh news from Sussex.   Hopefully all the people and animals are safe.   As a rovin’ reporter I am slow!

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