Play day ....

19th March 2022 (Saturday)     08.00 ....I’m vertical and feeling, that this

should be a play-day.    A shower (and pills) got rid of the early morning aches;  I should be ready to rock ‘n roll after breakfast.   I had porridge earlier, now I’m fancying a bacon and egg set me up for the day.

Oh;  it’s a cracker o’ a day, after a bonnie sunrise (I was vertical but still stiff from yesterday’s blunderings so didn’t go to the beach), so ‘we’ have to make the best of this lovely spell of early Spring weather.  I’m orf to make that breakfast roll.

09.00    Well.... that woke me up!   I can now tell you that the heat alarm in the kitchen definitely works....and all the other alarms in Ivy Cottage as well.  Ye gods .... that had me loupin’ aboot looking for something to press the button with.   Oh.... the bacon and egg roll was tasty, but .... I’m a bag o’ nerves....I need another cuppa.  

 21.00     It has been a lovely, ‘bright and sunny’ day but it was spoiled by a cold wind off the sea.   I went out on the bike but only did the villages and Elie estate ‘tour’ because of the East wind;   it disagrees with my breathing tubes.    The wind is going to be from the East tomorrow so I’m going to stay close to Ivy Cottage after I’ve been for the paper.   Anyway I’m glad that I didn’t stay out on the bike for long;  Shona was out for a walk and dropped in for a chat.... and a mug o’ coffee.  A far as I am concerned, chatting is one of the best therapies of all, especially at stressful time: And there’s a lot of stress around the world at the moment.   Shona and I sorted out the world this afternoon.

This (March) full moon is known by some American Indian tribes as the ‘Sugar Moon’; so called because it’s when Maple sap is harvested, to be turned into Maple Syrup.   (Note to me;  I must buy a jar of Maple Syrup the next time I see it).

I watched the programme ‘What if Putin goes nuclear?’ (on Channel 4).   The experts said that most of the UK would survive an actual attack, which is true, but they appeared to dismiss the radiation levels that would eventually cover the whole of the Northern Hemisphere... and even spread to the Southern Hemisphere too.   I keep using Chernobyl as an example: it was 26 years after the accident that the restrictions, (applied to sheep farms in parts of Wales and Cumbria), were finally lifted.   And Chernobyl was an accident (April 1986).   There are no winners in a nuclear war... only Mutually Assured Destruction.   It was an interesting programme, but there was nothing that we didn’t know 50 years ago.

Must ‘go’... slight flap on;  I want to photograph a nearly full (last night it was ‘full’

tonight it’s 98%) Sugar Moon.   I’m hoping it isn’t cloudy.   I know I have loads of photographs of the moon.... but that was when it had a different name;  and I cannae cheat!

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