Frisky wind ....

4th April 2021 (Sunday)     08.30 is windier and colder this morning .... and

the wind is forecast to become even  friskier in the afternoon.    It’s a good day for me doing my creative things.  

I’ve been for the paper (in the car) and down at the harbour;  I came home by way of Balbuthie Loan and Kinneuchar for a wee change of scenery.   I may go out in the car later in the afternoon....I certainly won’t be out on the bike.

18.00    Well .... it has been a bright and breezy day;  with the treat of showers later in the afternoon.    I went up to Balcarres to have a wander round the Woodland walk and to check out ‘Sarah’.   Actually we have two Magnolia trees on the Woodland walk....’Sarah’ who you already know about.... and ‘Cylindrica’.   It appears that ‘Cylindrica’ blossoms a few days later that ‘Sarah’;  because, though both are in flower just now, ‘Sarah’ is looking more colourful.

I met Elinor and Ron (Williamsburgh) on the Woodland walk;  they had walked up from Colinsburgh and were admiring the Balcarres daffodils, which are looking really good.  


This morning I decided to take advantage of the wind and did a washing;  when I got back from Balcarres I had to get it off the line (it was dry anyway) before it took orf.    That’s an ironing, needing to be done...... tomorrow.

I enjoyed the kirk service this morning.... but I now realise that I ought to watch in on YouTube;  not on Zoom as I have been doing.    Zoom is for folks who want to take part in the rooms at the end of the service.   I’m useless in Rooms.... I speak at the wrong time and for too long.   YouTube it will be from now on.

21.00    ‘Strong winds and snow showers’ is our forecast for tomorrow... and it’s going to be cauld.... not a day for me bumbling out I’m thinking.    I will stay ‘in and warm’.... and be creative.   In fact it is going to be cauld for a few days so anywhere I go will be by car.   

I watched a programme about the life of Faberge the Russian Jeweller and the ‘Faberge

Remains of the Balcarres Family Chapel.

Eggs’ he created;  Strangely enough he was the ‘ideas’ man, who employed other jewellers in his workshop, to do the actual creating of the masterpieces he came up with.   Fascinating.


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