Another gorgeous morning ....

17th April 2021 (Saturday)      09.30 .... oh my word;   I had another perfect

morning at the harbour;  in fact this morning it was actually bonnier because we had some clouds bumbling over and they were reflected on the water.   Absolutely brilliant.    I like harbours (especially on warm mornings... and it was warm this morning) ... and I like reflections.   I am a happy bunny.  
14.00    The day has continued as it began;  sunny and warm.... at the moment we have a cloudless sky.   I have had to abandon The Hutte .... it’s just too hot in there;  however I have done a wee bit of ‘work’ and intend doing some more after a cuppa.    I may take a a walk to the beach later in the afternoon .... or early evening.
20.30    When I say it has been ‘sunny and warm’ I mean in Ivy garden .... well out of the cool onshore breeze that gets up around midday.   I’ve had a busy day, though I did fall asleep;  I was awakened by the sound of a horse, clip clopping down Ferry Road.   I have had an enjoyable day, both at play and work.  Tomorrow I ‘plan’ to do more of the same.... but taking time out to ‘go to the kirk’.

I thought about going down to the beach but the wind, being cold, would just agitate my tubes.    I’ll make a cuppa instead;  I have neglected my liquid intake today.... something I tend to do when I get absorbed with something;   today it was drawing the north side of the Ferry Corner houses, that had to be demolished in 1947.    I’ll try to remember to take a photo tomorrow to show you what I am doing.

It’s going to be another nice day tomorrow, but cloudier with only a light breeze.  That means more harbour photos.    I get back on the bike on Tuesday (after my blood test) so will be expanding my local horizons once more;  unless the weather changes and it’s raining!

I’m still looking for Maggie’s ancestor in the Kinneuchar Kirk Session records:  browsing through them is a revelation.   The Kirk (Session) was the ‘law’ in those days;   the 1730’s to 50’s.   Farmers would be taken in front of the Session if they scythed their crops on the Sabbath;  the Kirk was much more important than a good day for gathering

in the crops.    The Church of Scotland didn’t have female Elders until 1966:  the first female Minister was ordained in 1968.      I don’t know what William Webster worked at in Newcastle, but I have come across a couple of other men who also work in Newcastle;  unfortunately Kirk Sessions were not interested in what the men worked at.... it was their ‘hobbies’ that attracted attention.

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