Cloudier but nice .....

20th April 2021 (Tuesday)    10.00 .... we have a change in the weather this

morrrrrrrning but nothing too drastic;  there’s a ‘slight chance of precipitation’ but the weeds flowers could do with some water.    I’ve been out on the bike... couldn’t go far as the battery was below the half;  but I enjoyed being ‘free’ again.   The battery is ‘on charge’ and ‘we’ should get out a bit further tomorrow.    This weather is only a temporary setback.... it should be bright and sunny for the remainder of the week.... and colder.   This cold spell is hanging in there.    My plan for the remainder of today? ....I’m going to have coffee out in the Hutte just now .... and have a restful day drawing.

16.00    It turned quite cold in the middle of the afternoon and I had to abandon The Hutte;  however I did have a couple of hours drawing... and began colouring in said drawing with coloured pencils.    This is so that I can take a photo and see if it looks like ‘right’:  it’s the north side of Ferry Corner, with the windows, doors etc, taken from Jimmy and Sydney’s memory banks.   The actual

houses, that had to be demolished,  were, ‘old Ferry’ stone built houses;   as can be seen from all the old photos of the corner.   Must ‘go’ slight flap on’ .... I’ve been speaking to Myra on the phone and she mentioned ‘crisps’.   Guess what I’m fancying now?  ..... yep a packet of crisps.... 126 of the ‘naughty’ things!

18.30     The sky had been getting darker all afternoon;  it eventually started to rain at 18.00 (ish).... so, it’s cold and wet now.    The cloud is to clear away overnight and we’re to have .... ‘bright and sunny with light winds’ all day tomorrow.   I ought to get out on the bike sometime but I must take the car to get the paper .... and milk for the Cornflakes.

I’ve had good day today;  going out on the bike first thing was a big boost to my

morale.... and I enjoyed an afternoon of drawing so I am a contented boy.   The only thing that bothers me is the temperature being so unseasonal;  but that should change

21.00    For some reason it feels colder tonight.... I think a hot chocolate is called for;  and another notch on the central heating.   Nae ‘plan’ for tomorrow but I should get out on the bike at some point.    Orf to make that chocolate.

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