Beautiful morning ....

15th April 2021 (Thursday)     07.30 .... Another bonnie day ahead;   there’s

only a light touch of early frost (which the sun will quickly shift) and only a light breeze, so a good day for pottering about.   I haven’t a ‘plan’, but I am sure that I’ll find something to do.    Last night I was all set for the water being ‘off’.  I then discovered was 24 hours early:   it’s tonight that it’s going to be ‘off’.   

18.30    It’s been another nice day ... although the breeze from the East was cold.   It is always warm in Ivy garden so I actually did a spot of work in the morning:  by afternoon I am tired and ready to do Soduko’s in The Hutte:   which is what I did.   I’ve reached the conclusion that the ‘jab’s do make me more easily tired;  but that is easy to combat.... and I think this only lasts for a week or so.   I buzzzzz all over the place in the morning.... but by 14.00 my wings have fallen off!

21.30     I went out to The Hutte a few minutes ago.... and it’s bitterly cold now.   This is the night that Scottish Water are working on out water supply;  that won’t be a cosy job.   I only hope they have a big urn.       It’s going to be another ‘bright and sunny’ day tomorrow.... but  with a cool wind.   I’ll stay around Ivy, after I’ve been for the paper etc....the garden is sheltered.    The Hutte will be a popular place with me tomorrow.

I took a trip up to Chapel Green (in the car) in the early evening;  as expected there was a cold wind but I sheltered in the lee of the Chapel ruin and took a few photos.    Maggie is happy with my ‘project’ efforts;  the ‘project’ was a joint effort in the beginning;  now it’s up to me.   Funnily enough, after I sit on the seat and think, I always come away feeling ‘positive’..... and writing comes easier.   Oh.... Maggie’s Great Grandad x6 arrived back from Newcastle but, by the time the kirk Beadle came down to ‘The Ferry’ to order them to appear before the Session, he (William Webster)  was away back to work in Newcastle.    This was 18 months after the

Chapel Green House.

initial ‘irregular marriage’ hearing attended by Margaret Bishop (wife of William).    An ‘irregular marriage’ appears to be  one where the baby is born, let’s say, six months after the wedding.    That’s one thing the Session were experts  at ....knowing the length of a pregnancy.   Therefore .... was the date on the marriage certificate wrong?   I’ll do a bit more browsing before I go to bed.


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