Another lovely morning ....

19th April 2021 (Monday)     10.30 .... once again we have a quiet morning and

I have been for the paper .... and down to the harbour.   I’m lovin’ the harbour just now, because there’s nae wind which means the water is like a mirror.    Mind you, It doesn’t stay that way long:  by the time I leave the harbour the freshening breeze has got rid of the glass like water.   This morning I was especially rewarded;  ‘Skylark’ (a sailing dingy) was coming in after an early morning sail.... she received full attention and was well photographed.  

12.30    Well .... it’s a bonnie day, warm with light cloud .... and a light breeze.   I had a walk to the beach after ‘morning coffee’.   It was good to see a few folk taking a walk along the beach so I abandoned Nana’s Seat and went down to the edge of the tide, to take in the sound of tiny waves flopping lazily onto the sand ....and to dream a little.    I then went up to John and Jenny’s Seat, to  do some more dreaming.    The beach is good for dreaming today.    I am organised for the trip to Cupar.... and shall leave after lunch.    I am hoping to get out for a tour of the villages, on the bike, when I get back.   

20.30    The onshore wind was too cold for the whole tour of the villages, but I did go up to Chapel Green.     You can see that there’s a change on with the weather;  I was only jokin’ when I said that it would rain on Tuesday because I’d be back biking..... now I’m thinking I might be right.   Light rain is mentioned in the forecast.

I had a pleasant trip to Cupar.... and spent hardly any time with the blood test.   I’d taken a mug of coffee with me with the intention of going to Dura Den on the way home, for a change of scene, but the road was closed so I missed out on that.    I think I may have got as far as the Car Park in Dura Den but I wasn’t sure, so I came home.... and had the coffee in The Hutte.

I have no ‘plan’ for tomorrow now that it looks like the weather could be dull:    and a ‘lazy day’, pottering around Ivy Cottage and drawing is appealing.    I have had a hectic day today with zero catnaps so I am tired.   I’ll make the chocolate after this update and have an early night in bed with a book.

The 12 football teams, that have decided to make a European Super League, have

My trusty steed.

created a stir in football circles.    Will they end up with those infantile names so loved by marketing experts?    You know .... Manchester Marauders’,  Chelsea Condors  etc.     Ye Gods it’s pathetic the way things are going;  and the ‘punters’ will have to pay for it all.... via pay TV etc.  That certainly won’t bother me.   Orf to make the chocolate.  

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