Wall to wall sunshine ....

16th March 2021 (Tuesday)    11.30 .... This morning I decided to ‘flatten’ the

bike battery, so did a complete tour of the villages when out for the paper.   It’s a gorgeous day and I want a fully charged battery so that I can potter around Balcarres Estate this afternoon.
 Fully discharging the battery now and again is recommended.   (Note to me;  the battery was ‘plugged in’ to charge, at 09.30).    It will be interesting to find out how long it takes to become fully charged from 'flat'.

17.30     It takes three hours and twenty minutes to charge the bike battery from being ‘flat’.   That isn’t bad.   

 After it was charged up I went to Balcarres as planned, though I had to use the battery more than I expected due to the wind being in my face, on the way up to Balniel from Robin Gray’s cottage.   It was a brilliant day for being out but the road was busier than I expected;  then again I was on the main road to St Andrews.    When I got back to Ivy I still had three bars of five, (battery level) showing so I must have done the whole trip on half a battery.    On the way down, through Balcarres estate, the battery was switched off most of the time.

21.00    This has been a glorious day.... now we need a whole lot of ‘sunny days’ in succession, to get us over the effects, physical and mental, of the past year.   I see that the ‘rools’ are being relaxed; Hairdressers open from 5th April..... and if all goes well, back to the ‘old normal’ at the end of June.    Funnily enough I have become used to my ‘new normal’ as far as shopping etc goes;   so I’m just going to stay with it.   I have never been in Sainsbury’s since February last year.... and have no intention of bothering to go back.

Tomorrow will be a ‘rest day’ for me after today’s efforts.    I’ll take the bike for the paper tomorrow then work around Ivy.    After I got back from Balcarres I had lunch, then  sorted out the measurements of the houses that fell down at Ferry corner in 1947.    I can now sketch onto the canvas a basic outline of what I want to paint.   I have the two photos of Ferry corner pre 1947 to  

I am a happy boy tonight.... also a tired one.   My face feels like it has a touch of the

sun.   ‘Light cloud and a gentle breeze’, with sunny spells later in the morning, is our forecast for us tomorrow.  


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