Rain ...

6th October 2019 (Sunday).... 07.30   Hmmmmm .....it has been raining
The Ferry High Street.
all night and it’s raining still, not a pretty scene at all this morning;  definitely a day for the computer.   I won’t be going far today, in fact if the weather forecast is correct it will be tomorrow afternoon before we see the sun for any length of time.    What am I doing out of bed?   I need a caffeine fix.

11.00    Don’t ask me why.... but I’ve been to the beach;   and rapidly found that the beach is definitely not the place to be today!    Having said that I did have it had all to myself;  not even one dog dragging its owner out for a morning stroll!   Following that I went to the harbour in the car, then home via Kinneuchar.    Everything appears to be where it should be;   but the trees are looking a bit bedraggled..... and so am I (nothing new there).

The Ferry beach.

15.00     Having just wakened up after a much needed catnap (I had a migraine so took a couple of pills) I now feel brighter.... but it will take an early night in bed to get  back the frisky feeling.  Even though the rain has stopped, and the wind has freshened and is beginning to dry things up, I won’t go out again today.    There was a note in the letterbox mentioning the picture (“The Green Book”) that’s being shown in the Town Hall at 16.45 but I’d better ‘pass’ on that.... although it is, by all accounts, an excellent film.

20.30    Well it has been a drab kind o’ day but I have managed to do some studying.... mostly about rabbits.   Don’t ask why ‘rabbits’.... but it was interesting how they have been treated over the centuries since introduction into the UK by the Normans in the 12th century:  very interesting stuff.   I used to like eating rabbit but have never touched one since Myxomatosis decimated the wild bunny population in the 1950’s.   I
Kinneuchar from the Balbuthie road.
came across rabbits while studying “Agriculture in the 19th Century”.

‘Plan for tomorrow’?    Not yet formulated.... though I will most likely visit Jim at some point.    The weather forecast is not great.... more rain.   Tuesday looks like being sunnier.... the bike is ‘resting’ until then.

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