First frost of the season ....

28th October 2019 (Monday)     07.00 .... and  it’s a bonnie morning; 
Sunrise over Elie Ness.
with  the first frost of the season on the car;  it looks like being a perfect day for showing Lynn round our wee villages.   Lynn has come all the way from California (is that no’ a warm kind of place?) and it looks like she will see our wee corner of the planet at its bonniest.   There’s isn’t much of a wind just now;  let’s hope it stays that way..... we don’t want any wind chill.   Must ‘go’ ... ever such a slight ‘flap on’ this morrrrrrrrning.

08.00   The beach was busy with dogs walking their owners this morning;   I met, and was talking to a lady from County Durham, who comes here often but this is the first time she's been here in late autumn.   She is lovin' it.

Lynn at Elie Harbour.

17.00    I’ve just spent a most enjoyable and interesting day showing Lynn round ‘The Royal Burgh of Earlsferry’ .... and Elie;  and it was a perfect day for doing it.    Lynn, a Californian girl, duly arrived in Elie off the ‘95’ bus just before 09.00.... and she was bearing gifts.... Fudge Doughnuts courtesy of Barbara (New York), who reminded Lynn of that especial shop St Andrews;  Fisher and Donaldson’s.   Before Lynn and I set out on our wee historical tour we had a ‘FD’ to help keep the cold out!   It was cold out in the wind, especially at the harbour, but as soon as we crossed the boundary into Earlsferry the fudge doughnut effect cut in and we felt much warmer.... there was one place up at Chapel Green where we nearly succumbed to heat stroke.   Well ... perhaps not quite .... but it was warm sitting in the sunshine and out of the wind.   “Thank You Barbara” for thinking of us on this ‘cold and frosty morning!   Lynn was find Bonnie Scotland cauld
..... and at Chapel Green.
at this time of year;  so was I!   Californians do not wake up to cauld morrrrrrrnings.  That reminds me I know what I am going to have for ‘sweet’ this dinner time.

The 19th Hole kitchen was 'closed' today... so we went to the ‘Pav’ for a bowl of soup and a mug of coffee.   Angela and Graham came in and I caught up with all the ‘news’ from Elie House.... there wasn’t any but we had an interesting chat about ‘historical’ things.   ( No .... not Alan).   After lunch Lynn and I went back to Ivy had a cuppa then I ran Lynn ‘home’ to St Andrews after a really pleasant and happy day.

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