er ... the clocks changed last night

28th  27th October 2019 (Sunday)     06.30 ....  I’ve been ‘up’ since 05.10
Seven minutes past seven!
owing to the fact that I forgot to change the clocks last night;   It was when I noticed that the computer clock had changed that I realised I was still on Ivy Cottage time.    Oh well you will catch me up when I change the clocks sometime today.     It would be cauld stood staunin’ oot side ‘arbour ‘ouse for an hour, so I suppose being at the correct time has its uses.    For me time is either daylight or dark.

We have a breezy and cold morning;  it looks like we’re going to have another bonnie day, though we’ll have to wrap up again.   I might as well go to the beach before having breakfast ... then I’ll come up with an action plan for today.

McCormick with an old plough rig attached.
08.00   The beach was quiet;  Carol and I had the whole beach to ourselves as far as I could see.... but it is a nice morning for a walk with plenty of fresh air for everybody.  It’s a big tide just now;  5.9 metres today, 6.1 on Tuesday.   There will be a lot of sand visible at low tide on Tuesday just after 09.00.   I’m going to have a coffee before I change the clocks.

15.00    Not only did I forget to change the clocks I was working with the wrong date:  all has been sorted and I am now at the right date .... and time.   So what have I done today so far.    Well I took the car along to Bowhouse in the morning, where the Scottish Ploughing Championships are taking place, (this weekend), but when I got there I realised that it would involve a lot of walking around four fields so I came back to Ivy then went along on the bike.   That way I was able to bumble around the fields on the bike and take a few photos.   It was the horses that I
Belgian competitor (Ford tractor).
really wanted to see but they had been ploughing yesterday.... so I missed them.   However the old tractors provided plenty photo opportunity, so I came off the fields a tired, sore and happy boy:  then had a Prime Scottish Beef burger and a mug of coffee for lunch to give me the energy to bike home. 
Lynn, a lady from California is visiting St Andrews just now and I am showing her round our wee villages tomorrow:  I had better get to bed early tonight.... and get up at the right time in the morning!   I must remember to show Lynn round Elie as well as the ‘Royal Burgh’.

Sunset time.
19.00    Well that’s Ivy Cottage back on to GMT the same as everyone else.  Now all I have to do is get into the GMT groove.    The ‘plan’ for tomorrow is to let Lynn see round the villages and a bite to eat.   Note to me... remember to brush my hair!

I went to the beach at sunset time .... my word, the beach was busy.   It was a nice evening to be out and the wind had quietened down a bit so it didn’t feel as cold.... and it was a bonnie sunset.

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