Big spider ....

2nd October 2019 (Wednesday)     08.30 ....there was a definite autumn
Sunrise over the East links.
feel to the early morning air.... but I did remember to wear two gloves.   It was a beautiful morning, still is, though there is a cool wind from the Northeast, and I had the beach to myself.    It looks like being a bonnie day, and it should be warmer once the sun gets up a bit;  that said there will be wind chill.    It’s a good morning for working in the garden... and biking once the air is warmer.

19.00    There hasn’t been a lot of work done though I did do a washing and will iron that tonight;  but I did go out on the bike in the afternoon, on an erratic ‘Grand Tour’ and enjoyed it, even though it was cold on the lugs when out in the wind.   At Chapel Green I sat on one of the seats sheltered from the wind and it was really warm;  I nearly fell asleep.   I promptly jumped on the bike went home and had ‘50’ then went out again to the harbour then home by way of the estate.
The Ferry High Street from the other end (West).
Spiders are beginning to look for cosy places to spend winter and today I found a huge one at least four inches from tae nail to tae nail  wellll ... maybe not quite four inches....more like one and a half inches.   When you think about a spider has eight legs that’s a lot o’ tae nails to cut.   But I’m wanderin’ off the subject again;  now where was I? .... oh aye;   all of her eight eyeballs were glowerin’ at me.   So I says tae her... "my lass you are going out on your fea”.... I was going to say “feathery butt” then I remembered that spiders don’t ‘ave feathers;   so I said  “you my lass are going out on whatever kind of butt you have!”  Picked her up, the big spiders are the girl ones, and placed her gently in the middle of a big bush.    No doubt she will be back in
Kinneuchar Loch.
Ivy later tonight.   Boy spiders are the skins of spiders you find near where they mate .... she has him as a snack after she's enticed him into doing his duty!

21.00    Busy morning for ‘the boy’ tomorrow;  going to Leven for haircut, then visit Jim, then do a wee shopping when I’m there.   Our weather is going to be ‘sunny intervals with a moderate easterly breeze’.... so not ‘iggzactly’ warm; and I’m getting my hair cut?    Silly boy.  

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