Bonnie morning ....

9th October 2019 (Wednesday)     08.00 .... It was a bit breezy  on the
Breezy Elie Bay.
beach but we have a nice morning;  with loads of fresh air.   There was only four of us on the beach;  two dogs, having dragged their owner for some exercise, and me with the camera.   We were never going to have a visible sunrise.... not at sunrise time anyway, but there was an interesting sky, the tide was out ...  I was a happy boy.  ‘KY9’ is forecast to have a ‘sunny intervals with a brisk breeze’ kind of day...... I might even get the bike out later.... but there is the slight chance of light showers in the morning.

16.30    It’s been a bit breezy to get the bike out but I’ve had an enjoyable day nonetheless.    We had morning coffee in ‘arbour ‘ouse.    Myra, our leader, has a new phone, less complicated than her previous one.... but with it being new and having more than one button on it we were, as with the previous one;  baffled.    It turned out that it needs to be charged.   Sarah, who can cope with multiple buttoned phones was able to find this out.   That the battery is flat i.e..   Sarah is not a member of the ‘Team’:  she is young, and was on duty today.

Lovely breezy afternoon.
Myra also reminded me that it was the ‘Friendship Lunch’ today so that took care of food.   Once again there was an excellent turnout with all the tables occupied.   I didn’t find out any ‘Top Secret’ information;   well I might have but I’ve forgotten it.
The street is mingin’ after ‘Drain Doctor’ squirted the drains pertaining to ‘Little Cottage’.   If smell is anything to go by they’ve been successful.    Somehow I don’t think they have.   Been successful i.e.   We need rain to wash Ferry Road:  of course it never rains when you need it!

19.00    I went for a daunder to the beach in the late afternoon;  it was blawin’ a hoolie’ but not bad in the lee of the dunes.   The forecast is not bad for tomorrow.... much the same weather as we’ve had today in fact.   Like I said it never rains when you
Nice afternoon for a walk.
want it to so I’ll probably end up washing the road myself.... a few buckets of water with disinfectant in it should do the job.   It looks like I won’t be biking anyway .... not if it’s windy.

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