Wet .... very very

9th August 2019 (Friday)    07.00 .... the wind is from the
.... the beach this morning.
Northeast, it’s raining, and the sky looks like the sun is never going to be seen again;  it is not a pretty morning.    However this being Bonnie Scotland the sun could suddenly appear.... next week.... and we’ll be worrying about a hose pipe ban.   I don’t know what the ‘Troops’ have in mind for today.... but I will make some scones and we’ll have an Afternoon Cream Tea:  I bought a scone mix in Sainsbury’s, it will be interesting to see how they taste;  normally I’d I use my own mix, but I read the sales blurb on the box and that was that.    

09.30    Welll .... I had the beach all to myself this morning;  no dogs taking their owners out for a walk, no colourful joggers.... only me.   Marcia, on her way back from the paper shop, brightened the morning up.... bonnier than a ray of sunshine.... and cheered me up no end.   My mission was to get a few ‘today’ photos .... with my back to the weather, or from the shelter of the beach huts.   And that is what I did.    It is not
The Ferry High Street.
pleasant out.... definitely not a ‘good hair day’.

11.30     The ‘Troops’ are away to ‘Ainster’ and I have made the scones.   I did them as per ‘rools’... apart from forgetting to brush them with milk before bunging them in the oven, so they’re not glossy.   They look the same as my own mix.... but I have yet to taste one.   I should have got Janice and Michael to bring half a dozen of Barnett’s scones just in case mine are cr... not so tasty.
The weather continues wet and drab .... though I think we should get sunny spells later .... in between ‘thundery showers’.   At the moment it’s ’just plain old wet rain’.

15.00    My word .... we have had some rain today; and it still comes down;  but, this is good news, I detect a few paler bits in the general greyness.... could the sun be threatening to break through?    I hope so..... because tomorrow’s weather forecast isn’t “iggzactly” of the sun cream kind.

17.00   Rain?.... what rain?    It’s more like .... “Oh my word.... this heat;  bring back the nice cool rain of an hour ago”.  It’s a warm/hot/sunshiny afternoon now, and the beach is busy.    I know this because, like a lot of other folks I went down to the beach
Rain?   What rain?
as soon as the sun broke through.    This is Bonnie Scotland.... and bonnie it is;  dogs walking their owners, children getting parents digging holes, .... hey ... nae joggers;  but plenty of people just enjoying a quiet stroll along the beach.   The tide is out so we have a lot of beach;  there’s room for everybody to do their ‘own thing’.   Now I need a cuppa, and to do a Soduko in the Hutte!    I might even get the bike out later.

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