Autumnal mist ....

25th August 2019 (Sunday)      07.00 .... it’s a real misty autumn
The Ferry beach.
morning.... the start of a warm/hot day I imagine..... and the kind John Keats had in mind when he wrote ’To Autumn’.   It’s cool just now, but the sun will burn back the mist and we’ll be roastin’... the  ants
(lasius niger) will be scuttlin’ aboot all over the place .... and I’ll be workin’ like the clappers in the garden.   ? ... workin’?.... I don’t think so.    Anyway we have a lovely start to the day even though it is misty..... I’m going ‘out to play’.

10.30     My word.... it is a cracker of a mornin’;  yes ... it’s still a bit misty now and again, but mostly it’s hazy, warm/hot.    I’ve been out, and a lot of others too, enjoying the morning..... it was one of those misty autumnal mornings with the panorama constantly changing before your eyes.    I did ‘The Grand Tour’ and got a few photographs on the way;  it’s now time to have breakfast, then watch the ants.   The wee ants are the commonest ants in the UK;  the only reason I’m able to watch them is because their colony is right outside the Hutte door.... under the slabs.

'Wee Dram' at the mooring bouy.

16.30    This is not good;  it’s 25c in the garden there’s no way I could be expected to work in this heat..... no no definitely no.    I will sit in the Hutte and do a Soduko.    We have a lovely hot sunny day .... after a really bonnie early morning mist.    I’ve had a lazy kind of day;  oh I did a wee bit of ‘ousework, browsed the photographs I took this morning, then contemplated doing some gardening.    I might actually do the gardening in the evening when the heat has gone out of the sun.   The ants have calmed down after yesterdays excitement.... I guess they will now be stocking up for winter.

20.00    The day is ending with a beautiful’s19c in the garden at this time.    I have done some pruning, but I have no intention of overdoing the work stuff
Kinneuchar loch.
again.    The day is ending with a lovely warm evening.... it was 19c when I came in from the garden five minutes ago, and tomorrow is forecast to be much the same as today....with a fresher breeze.   My ‘plan’ is to go out early with the camera;  I might take the Canon tomorrow morning... with one spare lens.   It’s a heavier camera to carry about, but better for different light conditions.

I’ve had an enjoyable, if slightly lazy day today..... it was just a wee bit too warm for me.   It must be an age thing.  

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