'M' ....

12th August 2019 (Monday)      07.00 ..... We’ve got the equivalent of an
'M' - my model.
ozone hole above ‘The Royal Burgh’ this morning ..... a ‘bloo hole’!    The sky is predominately lightly overcast, but the ‘bloo hole’  suggests that we could be in for sunny spells.... better look out the sun cream.   It’s actually a nice morning, though everything is wet after the rain.   There’s a light breeze from the West with the promise of a bonnie afternoon.   I’m picking ‘Her M-ness’ up from St Monans this morrrrrrning:  ‘M’ (Margaret) is over from New Zealand to visit auld haunts and to cheer up her sisters and friends.    We shall begin our day with coffee in ‘arbour ‘ouse.   Actually .... ‘M’ is not only a girl, she is from Cellardyke originally, so my ‘plan’ for coffee might be overruled.   Must go slight ‘flap on’ .... I want to scuttle round the villages before breakfast.

On the way to the beach.

09.00     There’s an autumnal nip in the air this morning .... a nice crisp feeling that makes me want to get out and about.   I have been (out and about) and everything is braw and fresh looking around the villages, and where it should be.    I’d better have breakfast then get ready to pick up ‘M’.   I suppose this means I’ll have to comb my hair etc.

21.00    On the way home from St Monans:   I’d picked up ‘M’ from her sisters....  I stopped at ‘arbour ‘ouse for morning coffee and we were joined by Janice who had been out for a walk round the village.   Michael was golfing at Ainster, so Janice was free to bumble around the villages.   After coffee we went to Ivy and had a cuppa before ‘M’ and I went to Leven to buy a couple of bedtime reading books, and a few things at Sainsbury’s... including a light lunch.   We were back in Ivy by 14.00.    Janice and Michael then took off for St Andrews, while ‘M’ and I went to Nana’s Seat to enjoy the ‘sunshiny’ afternoon.... and for me to take advantage of the fact that I had a ‘model’ to photograph.   The sky began to cloud over’ lowering the temperature, so we went back to Ivy.... about five minutes before a heavy shower came over.
We had dinner, browsed the photos I’d taken, and I took ‘M’ back to St Monans.
.... cottages on the Ferry High Street.
Tomorrow I take the car to the garage to get the breather hole cleared.   I’m looking forward to filling the tank with fuel at a normal speed;  at the moment its a 'stop start' job and takes long time.   Furthermore .... it’s embarrassing.

I think tomorrow is forecast to be ‘wall to wall bloo’ sky day .... most of the day.   Michael and Janice are going to Edinburgh on the early bus (X60)... so I’ll be i/c of ‘me’.    A daunting prospect!

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