Nice morning ....

12th February 2019 (Tuesday) .... 09.00     We have 50/50 cloud and
One of the squirrels - there are three.
‘bloo’ sky this morning;   and by the look of the Fife Weather cams the weather is much the same in Fife.   I don’t have a ‘plan of action’;  apart from fight off this extremely frustrating cold.    It seems to have taken a couple of steps backwards, so I’m drinking copious amounts of water and staying warm!

14.00    We have a problem in the Theresa Tree;  last years offspring is still around and he’s a boy!    ‘Pater’ is now in the process of  trying to evict him from the family home.     There are sporadic bursts activity towards this end .... and much ‘threatening’ tail wagging.    The problem seems to be;   Junior does not want to leave the nest, and is ever so slightly faster than Paw.   It all makes interesting watching when trying to shake off a cold:   I’ve just had a Janice toddie.... and will now have ‘50’.

17.00    I have to admit to having had a lazy day.... mostly squirrel watching ... in an effort to shake off the cold, because this has to be one of the most annoying  colds that I have ever had.   Two nights ago I thought it was well on the mend ... then back it comes.   I have even resorted to sucking Fishermen’s Friends cough sweets.    I don’t know who invented them but he, or she, didnae have  taste buds.   We have one frustrated bunny in Sunny Sussex!    Actually  it has been a nice day out, but there is a cold breeze: and I thought  it was going to be warmer.

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