Cracker of a mornin' ....

25th February 2019 (Monday) ....  09.30     we have another cracker o’
Buxted Park - the Hungarian Oak in the middle distance.
a mornin’ in Sussex;  in fact I’d say it’s the bonniest so far this year ..... it has the feel  of being a warm/hot day already;  and that is after a light touch of 'nearly frost'.
The ‘plan’ is for ‘JB’ (who is on ‘oliday) and me to take the car to the car park at St Margaret’s Church and have a walk round Buxted Park.    I can’t come to Sussex without visiting the Hungarian Oak.... and the other trees on the park.   The paths will be dry so walking will be safe.    With clay soil, even a single shower o’ rain can have the paths turn treacherous in ‘nae time’.

I have just realised that when ‘JB’ starts his first shift at the (East Sussex National) after his ‘oliday, ... at 15.00 on the 6th March, I will be approaching Kirkcaldy on the Aberdeen train.    I am looking forward to seeing all my girl friends again... and the boys ... and catching up with all the ‘news’ at home in the Harbour House.    Oh     and taking a few hundred sunrise/sunset photographs from the beach.

21.30    Tonight I feel like I’ve got a slight touch of sunburn;   most likely because John (JB) and I spent nearly 3 hours at Pevensey beach.    It was a perfect day for relaxing by the sea;   there was a very light south easterly breeze, but, in spite of that, the air still felt warm.    The beach was busy with folk (and dogs) enjoying this amazing spell
Dome 'F' - Herstmonceux.
of weather.

On the way to Pevensey we dropped in to the Science Centre at Herstmonceux to take a few photographs of the domes.     Dome ‘F’ n(the one if the photograph)  houses the 38” Congo Schmidt telescope.      The ‘Congo’ part of the name comes from it having been built in 1960 for an observatory in the Congo, but civil war broke out there and it was never installed.    It is not really suitable as a Schmidt telescope (Schmidt telescopes are used to take ‘wide angle’ views of stars, with few aberrations)  in the UK, though it can be used as a regular telescope.

Both ‘JB’ and I were absolutely shattered when we got back home to ‘No 1’;   I lay on
Pevensey beach.
top of my bed and was sound asleep for nigh on two hours.    John was also ‘out for the count’ for about the same length of time.    We think it must have been the change of air;   Uckfield is well away from the coast... and the sea air.    All good practice for me returning to the COTU.

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