Bright and breezy .....

7th February 2019 (Thursday) .... 09.30    We have a beautiful sunny morning  with a brisk and  warm(ish) wind;  a braw drying day.    Sussex is covered with full washing lines, including my contribution at “No 1”.     I will go for a turn ‘round the block’  later.... after the delivery van has been:  the one that was supposed to deliver yesterday. 
The cold seems to be on the mend, I had fewer spells of coughing, and had a good night’s sleep.   This is the first day in nearly a week that I have felt like going out.... and I haven't taken a photograph since the Burn's Supper on Saturday.

21.30     I did go for a walk round the block late in the afternoon;  after my washing was dry and the wind had dropped a bit.    I picked a bad time because London Road was busy and I had to cross it twice.    There’s a part of the road where there is not a pavement on the East side.
As is normal in the evening my cold is making life miserable:  however I’ll get off to bed and do a Soduko.     Weather permitting ‘JB’ and I will go over to Buxted Park .... and St Margaret's kirk.    St Margaret’s is all that remains of the original Buxted village:  the houses  having been moved to a new site some two miles to the southeast .... a bit like Balclevie on Elie Estate:  except that Balclevie was just ‘removed’.

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