Too wet to work ....

21st August 2018 (Tuesday) .... 08.00   A light breeze from the East has
After the dreichness of early morning.
brought low cloud in from the North Sea, so we have a dreich start to the morning:  however it will brighten up by mid morning when the breeze veers to the West.     I won’t be going to the beach until after mid morning;  and I won’t be doing much in the garden until afternoon.    Hey  ... the ‘dump’ (Re-cycling Depot) is open today, I’ll get rid of the auld tele that’s in the back of the car.

19.30    Jim and I rook ‘SD’ out to Ruddon’s Point for a walk, on what was a bonnie, but muggy, afternoon.    ‘Muggy’ days, humid and warm with nae wind are when ant colonies having their nuptial flight, and, today conditions along the Ruddons Point road  were perfect.    The road, it’s a sandy track, had the nuptial flights from all the local colonies in action at the same time.    Every step we took along that road we stood on excited ants;   you couldn’t help it, they were everywhere.    The walk is over a kilometre long and there were ants every step of the way.   They had one thing on their mind.... reproduction.    We had to brush them off when we got back to the car;  thankfully, they were too busy to even think of stinging.    It made for an interesting walk.    The last time I saw anything on this scale was on the Myrebird road (Crathes): 
Jim at Ruddons Point.
it was a similar track with multiple colonies.   I was nine years old at that time.    Jings...  that was 71 years ago;  I can hardly believe that.     I wonder if the descendants of those ants are still around?   Probably are.

I’d been to the re-cycling depot first thing in the morning from where I went to Colinsburgh to fuel up the car, before going to Elie for morning coffee.... and to buy a paper.   I went to the beach for a short walk after ‘morning coffee, and was rewarded by seeing that the beach was busy with all my ‘hibernating’ friends enjoying a walk in beautiful sunshine.

Tomorrow I must seriously consider going for a haircut;  at the moment it looks like I’m growing my own blankets.    I’ll also buy a pair of loppers when I’m in Leven.    I
Dumbarnie Links.... Largo Bay.
think  rain is forecast for tomorrow morning first thing;   but warm and sunny later.   A good kind of day for getting a haircut.       By the look of the Western sky just now, the rain doesn’t appear to be far away.

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