Feeling playful ....

17th August 2018 (Friday) .... 08.30    I’m feeling playful this morning; 
Balcarres pond.
but it’s overcast, breezy and cool, so I’ll put ‘playful’ on hold, .... and eat something.    I’m also hungry.  
Even though it is overcast,  rain isn’t mentioned in the forecast;    neither are ‘sunny spells’.    It’s a bit too windy for the bike .... there’s a lot of traffic in the villages, and biking in traffic, in a wind is not to be recommended.    Never mind;   there’s an ironing needing done... and I’m the boy to do that.   

20.30    After ‘morning coffee’ with Jim and Myra in Harbour House, I went up to the Deil’s Lodge and walked down to the pond:  it was pleasant being out of the wind, and, when  the sun broke through the clouds, for a short while,.... it was hot.  It seemed that I had the whole estate to myself, everything, including the birds and the burn, seemed to be whispering.   
When I got back to Ivy I had a light lunch,  then did the ironing, before having a much needed siesta.    I think I should sleep well tonight, in spite of resting for nigh on an hour.

Looking for something to do in the afternoon, I decided that I’d make macaroni cheese for dinner;  this is always a guddle for me, and takes a lot of time.... and I always end up with a lot of washing up.    However I also end up with four meals;  three to go in the freezer, and one for tonight’s dinner.   The dishwasher copes with the washing up.
It has been a dour kind of day today;  we even had a couple of short spells of light rain later in the afternoon.      It hasn’t been the kind of weather to get excited about.    Tomorrows weather is does not look like being much different;  apart from a better chance of rain in the morning, and a sunny spell in the afternoon.   The ‘plan’ for tomorrow is to go up to Chapel Green and have a cuppa...so I’m really
Balcarres Den road.
hoping the ‘sunny spell’ is a long one.

‘The Ferry’ looks like being busy this weekend;  if all the cars that have been coming down Ferry Road mean anything.  Actually  I think there’s a wedding on in Elie kirk on Saturday .... and another one in Kinneuchar kirk.   That might be why the villages are busy.

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