In playful mood ....

1st August 2018 (Wednesday) .....  08.00     we have a quiet kind of
Elie Bay this morning.
morning;   there’s a light southerly breeze, the sky is overcast, and it’s warm.  It looks like the grey sky could break up and give us some sunny spells later.    It a fine morning for doing things .... and I’m feeling mair like myself.    In fact if my knee wisnae bothering me I’d have an escapade of some kind.    Must go ... slight flap on .... I haven’t been down to the beach yet.   

09.00      I shouldn’t have gone to the beach.     There are/were empty bottles on the pavement, broken ones in Cross Wynd, and more empty ones around Nana’s Seat;   all detracting from the character of our wee villages.     And .... most likely there will broken glass on the beach.
21.30    Oh my word;  it’s been rainin’ and I was been browsin’ my auld photographs, and stuff, .... when I found this poem that I wrote for Maggie.    With this month being the ninth anniversary of her dying, I thought it apt to start August with it....

Alber’…on growing old (2009)
I’m likin’ old –
Wellll …apart from my knees!
-  everything cauld,
and the occasional sneeze!

I get up in the mornin’-
give the mirror a glower!
and think ”that’s got tae go” –
as I head for the shower.

Singing in the shower as I
check aw ma ‘plooks’,
I give what’s left o’ my hair
the fondest of looks.

Watching the water gurgle slowly awa’
I think- “it’ll rin a lot faster
     when I’ve nae hair ata.”
But… there’s nae point in thinkin’ o’ hair that is gone,
there’s a braw sunny mornin’ needin’
things tae be done!

At last I get roadit’ an oot
 ….. on my bike,
Maggie “nippin ma lugs”
as I whip oot o’ sight.
“I’m awa tae the Paper Shop in Elie my Dear”.
 “Dinnae be lang” shouts Maggie… as I fast disappear!

Twa hours later and…. I‘m back at the gate –
“I’ve meandered roond Elie Estate”.
“I’ll give ye Elie Estate” says The Boss.
“We’re supposed tae be shoppin -
now that’s a dead loss”!

What I like best…
    about getting old,
Is the fact that Alber’ is becoming
    mair bold.
“What’s that Maggie?    You’re looking for me?
You want me tae make you a
    fresh pot o’ tea”.
“OK my walking flower arrangement I’ll do what I’m told”!
… comes the Auld Alber’ and oot goes….
    the bold!

It has been another quiet day for ‘The Boy’.    I biked up to Elie for the papers, and had not one but two cups of coffee in Harbour House..... and enjoyed a good chat mostly about old farming etc.

Kincraig Cliffs - Earlsferry.
The intention was to do Elie Estate today, but once again the weather didn’t look promising, so the Estate has been left for another day.     Since then I have been ‘working' on the computer.
Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be warm, and mostly overcast... with the chance of some light rain later in the afternoon.    I have an appointment with the Doctor in the morning to find out what the next move is re my knee.

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