Butterfly bonanza ....

31st August  2018 (Friday) .... 20.00    I am a silly boy;  I forgot to update ‘The Hutte’ this morning.    Apologies for that .... you may smack my hand;  ..... but not
Our beach this morning ....
too hard.... remember that I am a delicate boy.

This has been an eventful day:  Jim had an appointment with the Doctor this morning, and is now in ‘dry dock’ with low BP, and is having to take it easy for a few days.    An NHS ‘Home Hospital Team’ have checked him out and will do so for the next few days:  this means missing his Harbour House coffee of a morning.   Luckily Myra is a good Nurse .... and makes good coffee.    There was only Geoff, Dod and myself at Harbour House for coffee this morning.

Dod sorted out the problem with the shed and the wall:   there was a earthquake in the Borders about three years ago... all of 1.9 on the Richter scale.... and this would move the shed closer to the wall.    Jings....  and there was me worrying that I might have put on weight since I last painted the shed.     Today was an even better day than yesterday for painting;   it was 22c in Ivy garden round in the afternoon.      Tomorrow is not going to be as bright.... more cloud around, though rain is not mentioned in the forecast;  at least not for us.   I might get another coat on the shed tomorrow.

Painted Lady.
There’s a Buddleia bush at the top of Glover’s Wynd (‘Toblerone Row’) and it was loaded with butterflies this afternoon.    Painted Lady’s were the most numerous, closely followed by Red Admirals and Peacocks.   I saw five Painted Lady’s at one time, and there may have been more on the garden side of the bush.    The past few days have been perfect for butterflies.... and us humans.
Before going to Leven I had an early walk on the beach;   it was that kind of morning.    After breakfast I went to Leven to do a shopping .. ... I (surprisingly), got everything that I went for.... and was back in Ivy by 09.30.
Tomorrow is the first day of Autumn;  it was -2 at Aboyne last night.    Officialdom declared that Autumn begins on the 22nd September, the autumnal equinox, but meteorologists say it’s tomorrow.    I’m inclined to agree with the meteorologists being
Red Admiral.
that I’m not keen on ‘officialdom’.

The ‘plan’ for tomorrow is still being hatched:   I’ll most likely do some work around the garden, though it is slow work.    I have an appointment with  the  Doctor, .... I’m hoping to get injection in my knee to relieve the pain.

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