Nice warm morning .....

5th March 2017 (Sunday)  .... 09.30       Welllll... I got myself organised to go to the kirk, but  changed my mind;   I woke up with a choked up head, like I’ve got a
The 'Cockstail Rocks' Earlsferry.
cold coming on.    I thought I’d feel mair ‘like it’ after a shower, and I did feel ‘better’, but still headachy.... so I’m skipping the kirk.    I’ve taken a couple of Paracetemol and, instead of the kirk I’ll do my ‘pagan’ thing;  wrap up well and take a short walk on the beach to get some fresh, Centre of the Universe, air into my lungs.    I feel better already!    With Communion we have to sit downstairs, so I wouldn’t be reclaiming ‘my’ gallery today:   that will have to wait for another couple of weeks

14.00   The ‘boy’ has just awakened from having ‘50’ in the Hutte!   Obviously my ‘pagan’ walk along the beach this morning  has taken it out of me, as I am ‘shaky leggit’ now,.....  having extended the walk up to Chapel Green.   Obviously this is some kind of, hopefully mild, bug thing.    When up at Chapel green I noticed that some of the daffodils had been broken off.    I suppose would be acceptable if this has been done by a dog, but, if by a human(?) it’s dreadful.    While contemplating this,  sitting on “The Boss’s” seat, Sandra, a lady from St Monans, came along the path, and she also mentioned the daffodils scattered around.   Sandra is a friend of a friend of Jimmy’s, so we sat and chatted.   While we are sitting on Maggie’s seat chatting, Jimmy
Kellie Law from Maggie's seat.
was sitting ‘roond the corner’ on “Alice’s Seat”:   I know this because Sandra and I walked round to see if he was there!    He was.    The three of us sat on Alice’s seat and chatted:   there was much St Monans ‘news’ discussed at Chapel Green this morning.    Jimmy and I came down to Ivy for a cuppa, Sandra continued on with her walk;   which would eventually get her back home to St Monans.

21.30    After a catnap in the Hutte I woke up feeling slightly mair like myself, so I switched the kettle ‘on’;   Jimmy turned up right on cue.    After a cuppa we went up to Morrison’s (St Andrews) for a browse;  and found the shop has been  more or less re-modelled since I last was in it.    The aisles are wider and the in-store ‘shops’ are much better.    I bought a Fish Pie, Jimmy some containers of
Jimmy alongside Jim Buttercase's creel boat.
Instant, ‘add boiling water’, porridge.   We can’t go to St Andrews without going down to the harbour.    We didn’t see anyone we knew down there;   Jim Buttercase wasn’t working on his boat, so we had a look around before setting off fro home.

I’m going to have an early night and hope to feel 100% tomorrow morning.   I have an appointment at St Andrews on Tuesday afternoon and I want to be fine for that.

Photographs : Top – Chapel Green, Earlsferry from the Cockstail Rocks, Middle – Kelli Law from Maggie’s Seat, and Bottom – Jimmy alongside Jim Buttercase’s creel boat.

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