Bright, breezy and very cold .....

21st March 2017 (Tuesday) ....  08.30    “Happy Birthday Iain” .... who will be .... what?    How old?    That cannae be;   52 ..?     Mmmmm .... does this mean that I am a tad older than I’ve been admitting too?    Have a great day ..... eat cake ‘n stuff!   

We have a bright, breezy, and cold morning..... not a morning for ladder work.   That said ... I remember working over at Livingstone one hard winter, and we did ‘ladder
Maggie's name  on the Memorial Stone at Elie Kirk.

work’ in the snow .... yon was a miserable place to be.   I’ve never been back to Livingstone!

12.00    I got an e-mail from Olive this morning, telling me that Maggie’s name had been inscribed on the Memorial stone at Elie;   this made me decide to walk along to the kirk, to see, and take a picture, of the inscription.  We have had  a few blustery showers this morning but I was lucky and managed to get ‘there and back’ dry.    At
Park Place, Elie.
Telfer’s Wynd I went down to the beach and walked along to The Breakwater ... that cleared away the cobwebs. ....  from the Breakwater I scampered back up to the relatively ‘sheltered’ Bank street!     There’s a heavy shower battering it’s way over just now ....we’re getting rain;   some places in the ‘central Belt have been getting snow, and I noticed snow on the Pentland Hills behind Edinburgh, and along the Lammermuirs.    Yes we do have a touch of wintry weather today.

21.00    Jimmy had an appointment at St Andrews in mid afternoon, so we combined that, with a shopping browse round Morrison’s Supermarket.  We bought some necessities... for instance, Lemon Doughnuts being were bound to be a ‘necessity’.   On the way home we drove through a rain/sleet shower so the cauld, wintry weather, looks
"Garden Belle's" van.
like being with us for another 24 hours.
I have had a look at my set ‘presentation’ for the EKC Guild tomorrow afternoon, and they seem interesting to me;   I hope they are for the girls, and boys, of the Guild!   The ‘zapper’ is working perfectly so I ought to be able to see my photos on the screen .... as a ‘viewer’ more or less.  

Photographs : Top – Elie Memorial Stone, Middle – South end of Park Place,  Elie, and Bottom -  “Garden Belle’s” van... so “Garden Belle” will be around somewhere.

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