Bright breezy ... and colder

14th March 2017 (Tuesday) .... 08.00    We have a F4 Northwest wind, so it is not warm outside this morning;  definitely a morning for wrapping up.   My ‘plan’
Earlsferry this morning.
was to get ‘up’ early and get out into the garden;   I did both .... but did not linger in the garden;  a ‘weakness’ came over me as soon as I felt  the cold wind hit my delicate, and not very rosy, cheeks.    It’s a bonnie, “bright and breezy” looking morning... but cold with it.    The kettle is ‘on’:  I’ll go for a walk in a wee while.

21.00    By Jove .... it has certainly been ‘bright and breezy’ today... a bonnie day but wild, with the odd squally shower thrown in for good measure.    But the weather has not the biggest problem... oh no:   the biggest problem is.... we think that Blob’s wife (Blobette), could be an ‘Elie Girl’.    She is acting awfie  domineeringly, and “Blob”, Bless his quiet ‘Royal Burgh – self’, is having to ‘toe the line’:  he’s even taken to feeding her wee bits o’ of his ‘Royal’ Digestive Biscuits.   
Seaweed gatherer's.
Feeding her with his RD’s means that he is in serious Robin trouble .... he’s “in love”.   Oh well ... it is Spring:  though it didnae feel like it today! 

My morning walk took me out to the end of, what used to be the sewage pipe, but isnae noo,... it’s the water from the street that ends up doon there.    Anyway, I went down there because the tide was out, and, strangely enough, I had that bit of the beach o’ the beach to masel.    It was blawin’ a gale, and cauld, .... it was ‘refreshing’ to say the least.

Later in the morning Jimmy and I went up to Chapel Green from where we watched the seaweed gatherer’s:  watching is good .... but not “iggzactly” big on fitness.    Our next move, after a cuppa at Ivy was to go to Leven;   Jimmy wanted some food stuff.    By the time we got back it was lunchtime.
Elie this afternoon.

In the afternoon I got into a frenzy of activity;   I filled the bird feeders, then watched the birds.   We have a pair of Yellowhammers that come to the feeders, and I heard the male giving his territorial call this morning, so they must be considering nesting nearby.    Still in this ‘frenzy of activity’ mode I ‘jamp’ in the car and went to Elie harbour to watch the waves scudding in across the bay.    I feel quite relaxed tonight!

Photographs : Top – Earlsferry beach, Middle – the seaweed gatherers, and Bottom – Elie this afternoon.

Finally a Scottish song written by Hamish Henderson “Freedom come all ye”.

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