Bright breezy and cool .... nice day for walking

8th March 2017 (Wednesday) ... 09.00    “Bright breezy and cool” would be the best description for this morning’s weather;   it’s a nice day for  walking, but you
Earlsferry High Street.
need to be wrapped up, because there is a brisk Northwest wind.     Over breakfast I contemplated doing some ‘ousework this morning, but I felt a touch of tiredness coming on, so I am going to go for a walk.    This might look like I’m just dodging doing the housework, but this is not so;   the ‘master plan’ is that  this walk will make me feel ‘guilty’, and should have me ‘ouseworking’ like a demon ..... er ....   maybe. 

20.00   Jings ...I haven’t felt ‘guilty’ all day, so ‘ working like a demon’ never happened; instead, after our morning cuppa Jimmy and I went to Leven to put his car through the car wash.    Being in Leven I bought some different kinds of ‘Blob’
Elie Harbour.
fodder.... to help build up his strength ....and to fatten up his spindly legs.   ‘Blob’s ‘wife’ (hereafter ‘Blobette’) is trying hard to lead him astray, but, so far, he has not succumbed to her advances, .... at least not that I know of.   The especial food is required because I know that he will ‘yield to temptation’;  the result of which will be extra mouths to feed in a few weeks. 
The wind got up to F7 or so in the middle of the afternoon, but has ‘moderated’ now,  though it is still around F3-4.    I had to go up to Elie to get the papers, and milk in the afternoon, and went down to the harbour for a ‘run’.     Of course the wind was really wild down there;   even blowing my woollen hat off at one point.... however I was able to get my foot on it, before it blew into the harbour.   I took a few photos then drove home via Balbuthie Loan and Kinneuchar.   

Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be much the same as today’s.... “bright and breezy”.    I also hope to be ‘bright and breezy’ tomorrow;  it’s the ‘Drop in Cafe’ afternoon.    The morning will be taken up with ‘work’..... it’s ‘broon bucket’ week and I have a multitude of garden rubbish that needs to be given a new home.... the Fife landfill site being what I have in mind.    Of course this will only happen if ‘weakness’
Going through the car wash.
has morphed into ‘vigour’.... or ‘dreaming’ into ‘focused’.    Being on your own is really hard work;  when Maggie was around life was easy;   I either ‘did or hid’.   Not so now ... there are umpteen decisions that need to be ‘decided’;   I’m not very good at deciding .... and there’s nae point in hiding.   Stress ... it’s a bothersome thing!

Photographs : Top – Earlsferry High Street, Middle – Elie Harbour, and Bottom – taken in Jimmy’s car when going through the car wash.

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