Nice 'cloudy with sunny spells' morning ....

30th March 2017 (‘Drop in Cafe Day’ .... formerly ‘Thursday’) .... 08.30 .... we have a ‘cloudy with sunny spells’ morning;   and could get light showers by the
The Crookit Skellie 
look of the clouds, but it it’s a good morning for going to the beach..... I’ll take my chance with any showers.     10.55 is low tide;  I’ll go and have a look for my wellies, though I’m not keen on wearing them, but they would get me onto some  of the more remote ‘beaches’ that are uncovered at Spring tides.     Must ‘go’ ... slight flap on;   need to find the ‘orrible wellies!

12.30     I might not enjoy wearing ‘wellies’, but they got me out to where I wanted to be;   the ‘Ferry Bank’ and a wee beach at the end of the ‘Crookit Skellie’... it, the ‘Crookit Skellie’, is at Chapel Ness.    Most of the time was spent on the ‘Crookit Skellie beach’:   I got there 50 minutes before low tide, and enjoyed myself ‘being there’, taking photos.    I took a load (of photographs) because it’s not a place I’m often out at... in fact I only ever go out there at a ‘Spring Tide’, and that isn’t every Spring tide.   Visiting the ‘Crookit Skellie' beach’ is weather, and tide,
Earlsferry houses

  By the time I got back to Ivy I’d walked 3.42 kilometres (2.1 miles).... and was ready for a cuppa.

21.30    The ‘Drop in Cafe’ was busy this afternoon, with plenty happy “chattering and bantering”;    but Lexie was missing!    It’s not like Lexie to miss the ‘Cafe’ ....however, today, she had to be ‘on site’, waiting for a delivery van.    The next ‘tea and goodies event’ will be the Kinneuchar Coffee Morning on Saturday morning.    We’ll (Jimmy and I) will be there.

The ‘plan’ for tomorrow is still at the ‘seeds of’ stage;  in fact it hasn’t even reached that stage!    I don’t think that the weather forecast, for tomorrow, is exceedingly exciting... not according to the presenter on the BBC anyway.... so I’ll formulate a plan ‘on the hoof’.    I’d like to get the bike out but, if the weather is ‘atroshiss’ (atrocious)  ... er not so good tomorrow, biking might not be ‘adwizable’ (Artful Dodger speak).
“Spring Tides” are good, and I have enjoyed being able to get far out on the beach the past two days;  so much so that I have been able to forget that “Brexit” has been ‘triggered’.    The “EU” is a brilliant idea but it needs “grown up thinking”;   it isn’t
The Crookit Skellie beach
 just an elitist dream, which it has been up till now!    That’s the “EU” sorted!

Photographs : Top – The west end of the ‘ferry Beach’ from the ‘Crookit Skellie’ beach;   the seaweed covered rocks on the left foreground form part of the ‘Crookit Skellie’, Middle – Earlsferry houses from the ‘CS’ beach, and  Bottom – Chapel Green from the ‘CS’ beach.

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