Gorgeous day ....

31st May 2016 (Tuesday) ... 10.30     We have a cracker of a morning here in the East Neuk.... warm and sunny, though the ENE breeze is taking the edge off ‘warm’, if you’re out in the open.    I went out on the bike at seven o’clock, going
Elie harbour
round all my favourite places;  Chapel Green, Elie harbour beach, then Elie Estate, a distance of  10.94k, but I’d already done, at least 750 metres before I remembered to switch  ‘on’ the ‘Tracker’, so I’m going to credit myself with 11.5k ... just over 7 miles;  easily, and enjoyably done on a day like this.    Since then I’ve had breakfast, and hit the garden running;   I’d like to be able to take some photos in the evening!   The temperature in the garden, sheltered from the easterly breeze, is 19c already.    Must ‘go’ there’s much to do, and enjoy, today.
22.30     It has been a beautiful, dare I say it? .... summer like day;  warm and sunny ...
Elie harbour
though cooler if exposed the easterly breeze/wind.   21c was the highest pointed reached on the Ivy garden thermometer, so it was warm.... and it might be much the same tomorrow, though the morning may start cloudier.
I’ve had a busy day, mostly in the garden.    I did get a good bit of tidying up done, and took four bags of weeds along to the skip at Pittenweem... all before lunch time.    Shona, who is biking to keep fit, was passing, and dropped in so I added ‘anither tautie’ to the pot and we had lunch... and chatted about the Barnyards Meeting, to be held in June.     Jim arrived so we had another cuppa, and chatted about, mostly, about ballet;   Shona had gone to see the modern version of “Swan Lake”, in the Festival Theatre (Edinburgh), at the weekend; which got us onto this subject.    At the end of the discussion it was agreed that I should not take up
Brian putting on the seventeenth green
ballet!    Apparently I don’t have the physique that’s required!      Jim and Shona left and I then had a look around the garden, before  deciding that I was finished gardening for today.    I had another cuppa!
Jim and I went along to Jimmy’s in the evening, and ‘rattled his cage’ .... Jimmy was watching some programme about fitting an aircraft jet engine into a .... wellll .. a ‘speedboat’.    Of course we sort of watched the programme and chatted at the same time:   at the end of the programme it did look like the boat could move very fast, but I didn’t see the point of it all:   I can’t imagine them becoming best sellers!    As far as I could see it was fine, if you wanted to go very fast, in a straight line.... but that was it.

Photographs : Top and Middle  – Elie harbour early morning time, and Bottom- Brian, my brother, putting on the seventeenth green.   

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