Lovely day .....

8th May 2016 (Sunday) ....09.00    It looks like we are going to have a nice
day;   although it’s overcast just now, and we’ve had some light rain earlier, the sun is beginning to work on the clouds and should break through soon.    Having said that, we do have a light easterly wind, this will keep us cool, and might well bring ‘stuff’ in from the North Sea.      However it, the weather, looks promising at this point in time.
I was in ‘fine’ voice in the shower this morning ....not melodious ... but loud!   Yes I’m ready to claim back ‘my’ gallery!    I don’t know whether to put on a tie or not .... a tie acts like a ‘volume’ control, and restricts what I can blast out!.   I’ll put on a tie!  
 It’s hard to believe that it was 58 years ago, on this date, that I arrived in Aldershot to begin my National Service..... how time flies right enough.
22.30     The sun did break through and we ended up with a bright, sunny day, though the East wind spoiled things;  however we mustn’t grumble;   when out of the wind it was hot.   Ivy garden was at 21c at one point.    
The kirk must have been crowded this morning ... three people came up to ‘my’ gallery.      This cut down my vocal output by 100%, although I mime like an opera singer;   from the pulpit I probably look like I am a good vocalist!   I’m not.
I was back, and in my working togs, at Ivy by 11.15;   had a quick cuppa then went  out to do some work stuff.    My muscles are not liking this but it will do then good ... and I’m sleeping like a log.   It will be more of the same tomorrow as the weather forecast is ‘bright and sunny’ once the sun burns away the early morning cloud/fog.    We might
Elie Bay
end up with haar if it continues hot.
I have two Goldfinches coming to the feeder now.... the sunflower seed hearts one, not the Niger seeds as I expected.     A Yellow Hammer also appeared, which surprised me just a bit.     I must set up the camera and get some bird photos tomorrow... once it’s set up it does it all automatically, when a bird lands on the perch the camera is focused on.

Photographs : Top – Earlsferry, Middle –Elie,  and Bottom – Elie Bay.

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