Beautiful day ......

12th May 2016 (Thursday) .... 10.00    In Scotland we are not used to so many days of pleasant days, of sunny weather, in succession.... we’ll be thinking
Kilconquhar loch this morning
drought and hose pipe ban if this doesn’t change soon!    It is breezy, from the Northeast, but it isn’t ‘cold’:   I went up through Elie Estate, on the bike, before breakfast and really enjoyed the exercise.   The Estate ‘run’ is a nice distance, has short climbing bits, on the Ferry road, all good for the muscles, ... and relaxing scenery for the brain.    “Puku” has been fed, as have the birds;   now I’ll go and do some ‘work’.     I’m feeling in a skipping mood this morning... unfortunately I doubt if my legs could cope.
21.30      ‘The Boy’ has had a productive day, and will sleep well tonight:   actually I sleep well every night, but my muscles will be well ready for a rest tonight.    Progress with the garden has been slow, but steady, and the ‘romantic’ corner is beginning to look... mair the way I want it to look.     I’m thinking of painting the table, and the two
Elie Harbour
seats .... that would be a nice finishing touch.    Without question it takes muscles longer to recover from a hip replacement operation,  than a knee replacement;  at least that’s what I have found.    That said, I am using my hip as per normal hip, but the muscles are tired by evening time .... and, getting stronger all the time.   As well as working in the garden, I have been biking too;   Elie Estate twice today.   I am getting fitter, but I’m also beginning to realize that my body is not ‘a 50 year old body’ anymore!    
There’s been a lot of ‘scattered, bright light’ around for the past couple of days ....for me, this means perfect migraine weather;   but I can’t complain, having had only one migraine.    Working in the garden, and biking under trees helps shade my eyes from the stronger ‘light’ out in the open,.... on the beach etc.    Having said that I have been enjoying this spell of weather... and hope that it lasts for another couple of months ....
Kincraig Cliffs - Earlsferry
at least.
Although a nice day for doing other things, the ‘Drop in Cafe’ ticked over happily this afternoon;   and that’s what ‘the Cafe’ is all about, folks being ‘happy’ in each other’s company.    I will miss it when it closes for the ‘summer’ break;    it means that the ‘Hutte Finest’ will have to step up to the mark.
Oh my word .... the weather is forecast to turn colder tomorrow, with the chance of drizzle first thing;  just when I was looking forward to a couple of months of sunshine!

Photographs : Top – Kilconquhar loch this morning, Middle – Elie harbour, and Bottom – West Bay and Kincraig cliffs this afternoon.

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