Glamis Castle outing ....

18th May 2016 (Wednesday) ... 08.00     After some light overnight rain, the weather looks amenable for the History Society Glamis... the sky is beginning to ‘break
Tay Rail Bridge Dundee
up’.    I’m ‘organised’... just got to have a cuppa.    Better ‘go’ I feel ‘slight flap on’ mode kicking in.
21.30      Today has been exhilarating....the history Society outing always are ... and it is one tired ‘Boy’ that will be crawling off to bed soon.    The History Society outing is not a ‘bus trip’, it is an educational tour:  thanks to Janet (Bulloch), a Blue Badge Guide, and member of the History Society.    Janet brings the whole day to ‘life’:  and must spend hours researching the individual trips.   When we got to Dundee, in fact before we got onto the Tay Road Bridge, Janet started to tell us about the places of interest that could be seen ‘en route’... right up to the top of ‘The Law’ then out of Dundee, including the history of the Kingsway.... she is one amazing lady.
Glamis Walled Garden
By the time we got to Glamis Castle Janet had given us an insight into the history of the Castle.    One of the Glamis Castle Guides, Vicki, took us on a guided tour and told us about the Bowes Lyon family, and especially “Elizabeth” who went on to marry the Duke of York.     After, and because of, the abdication of his brother, Edward the Eighth, the Duke of York became King George VI, and “”Elizabeth” became Queen, who, on the death of King George VI, became the much loved, “Queen Mum”.
It is always interesting to see how the ‘other half live’... unfortunately t is considerably less than half, that live(ed) in this style ... but it is because of those few that we can all visit, and enjoy,  places like Glamis, and see the high quality living spaces, decoration, and period furniture of the “Upper Classes” .... or aristocracy.    Strangely enough, I never feel envious of those folks... they have more to lose than I have, and I am as
I've hard of 'getting knotted', but this is ridiculous!
happy as any member of the Royal family... or aristocracy.;    I do like looking at the beautiful buildings, and things they have amassed with their fortune(s).    It’s best not to dig too deeply into how they made their various fortunes!
On the way home we went round the east side of Dundee and stopped at Claypotts Castle, a place I have seen plenty of times when passing it on the A92.    It is a beautiful, small castle, and has been in capable care of Historic Scotland since 1926.    The castle is empty, and very rarely ‘open’.    To see the interior, you have to phone Historic Scotland, who will arrange a local Member to open the castle, and show you round.      Claypotts Castle stands on a small piece of well kept ground, surrounded by modern housing;   the modern housing spoils the whole ‘castle effect’ .... it just doesn’t look right, though it is an extremely bonnie wee castle.
Well, I have enjoyed today.    Our wee village “Elie and Earlsferry” is one bonnie diamond with many facets, the local History Society being one of them.   Yes we are lucky living in our corner of the Planet.

Photographs : Top – the
Glamis Castle
Tay rail Bridge from ‘Dundee Law’, Next – fountain in the Walled Garden at Glamis, Next – this tree has got itself in one cracker of a ‘knot’, and Bottom – Glamis Castle.

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