Busy day .......

16th May 2016 (Monday)      08.30 ..... and I have a busy day ahead, work in the morning (after the Paper Shop),  then Leven in the afternoon.     I’ll bike along
Elie harbour
to Elie, visit Jimmy to steer him up, then back to Ivy to get on with the ‘work’ stuff.    It’s a nice morning, but there’s a lot more cloud around... however the sun should burn that off by lunch time.    Must ‘go’ ... slight flap on!

22.30     Once again we have had a lovely day .... I could get to like this ‘bright and sunny’ weather.     That said it didn’t turn ‘bright and sunny until after midday.... but it has been bonnie since, and we have a lovely balmy evening to enjoy.... but it isn’t very warm, now that the sun is low in the North-western sky.
‘The Boy’ has been busy yet again, but mostly ‘administrative’ things;  though I did make a trip to the re-cycling Depot with the latest boot load of weeds etc.   ‘Administrative’ ... that looks quite good;   I must use that word more often.    What
Elie harbour
have I been administrating? .... only a card, and wedding present for Sharon, who gets married in Dunoon next month.     Having done that before lunch, I then went along to Leven to do some shopping, picked up Janet, and we then poodled along to Arncroach to deliver the aforementioned ‘administered’ items.    Janet had been doing ‘administrative things’ too.   Brian and Moira were ‘in residence’ so we had a cuppa, and natter .... it’s good to catch up with ‘family’ news.   
My only ‘exercise today, was the biking along to Elie that I did in the morning. However I did allow myself a wee diversion down to the harbour, followed by a cuppa in Jimmy’s:  and finally home via the Estate, so it would be a decent distance.    On the way through the estate I met Stewart who was busy squirting stuff onto weeds;   presumably something that would give the weeds
The Main entrance road into Elie estate
a ‘sair heid’.
The weather is forecast to be nice and bright in the morning tomorrow, but clouding over with the chance of rain later in the afternoon/evening.   Rain?    I have enjoyed this spell of sunnier weather;  and, I have made good use of it in the garden.   The plan was to uncover the garden table and chairs, but that may be in abeyance for a while now.    They were never used at all last year.

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour, Middle – Elie Harbour, and Bottom – another part of the Elie estate road.

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