Lovely, crisp morrrrrrrrrrrning .....

25th February 2024 (Sunday)    08.45.... Any overnight fog has cleared early and we have a

Low cloud over Rires.

bonnie morning; 'sunny spells' with a light touch of frost.  The kind of day I'd have gone for a really long run on the bike:  along to the Forth brig, cross to the 'sooth side' then along to Falkirk, Stirling then home by way of the 'Hill Fits' road, and Leslie.  Yes it's a perfect morning for doing that.  Of course when I did that sort of biking the roads weren't as busy as they are now.  We need, in the interest of health and safety, dedicated cycle routes, with  Hostels at regular intervals (and popular stopping places), criss-crossing the UK.  Proper 'Bike Ways'.  It would be expensive, but not as expensive as some of the schemes that money is thrown at nowadays: Trident (recent test firings suggest that there's nae guarantee that it works) being a good example of money that could be diverted to doing something good!   Sadly it's unlikely to happen.

19.00   As planned I went to visit Alice, stopping at Sainsbury's (Leven) on the way.  As ever I had a relaxing time with Alice, putting the world to rights over a cuppa.... and had a lovely lunch;  before I bumbled my way home.    On the way to Leven the roads were busy;  but not as busy as they were on the way home.  I'll be glad when the Balchrystie road is open again and we don't have to drive through Colinsburgh: it well be a couple of weeks before that happens.  Driving through Colinsburgh, when the Main Street is busy.... and you meet a bus...., is challenging.   And that's how it was on the way home this

afternoon.   I have a wee car and got through, but the streets aren't meant for the width of cars we meet nowadays. I was glad to get into Ivy and have a cuppa .... after a stressful drive home.   Tomorrow will be a 'rest and play' day.

We can expect 'sunny intervals and a gentle breeze'  tomorrow;  unfortunately the 'gentle breeze is from the Northerly direction so it will be cold.  

 I intended going out on the bike later this afternoon, but the breeze had freshened, backed to the East, ....and was bitterly cold;  so I had another couple o' cuppas, and watched an episode of Foyle's war.

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