Beautiful morrrrrrrning .....

7th February 2024 (Wednesday)    10.30 .... It's a beautiful morrrrrning and I have been to the

beach.... somewhere I didn't think I'd be today.    I had to move the car to give the workmen access, so parked it at the Town Hall.   When I was there I thought...'beach'.... and I had the camera with me.  The beach was quiet but as ever bonnie and inviting, even though there is a wintry feel to the air; I got myself a few photographs for the archive before having a late breakfast.   I don't have to bother about lunch as the 'Friendship Lunch' is in the kirk Hall;  I must remember that Myra is picking me up.

16.00    I remembered the 'Friendship Lunch'.... and that I was being picked up by Myra:  what a difference a sunny day makes, even though it has been cold.   Myra had no bother getting parked at the Kirk Hall and we wondered if that meant a low head count for lunch;  but, happily, it didn't, and everyone enjoyed a bowl of soup, sandwiches,  cake and a cuppa.  The Hall had a happy buzz about it.... a lot of the

'buzz' seemed to be coming from Lexie's table.  Our table was the quietest!   I enjoyed catching up with the local 'News'.  The girls looked younger!....and  the 'boys' all smarter that me.   Myra dropped me off at St Margaret's (Earlsferry 'ouse), and I was back in Ivy by 14.00;  and 'cat napping' by 14.30.

19.00    It has been a bonnie and reasonably busy day... though I haven't done any proper 'work'.    Iain (Auchnagatt) is coming down at the weekend so I had better do some 'ousework;  a touch of de-man caving wouldn't go amiss.    Bob dropped by this morning (the 'Bob' half of Bob and Anne ... of Toni's shop) which reminded me that I need to do some 'ooverin' etc.    I'll do that tomorrow.

According to the weather forecaster, tomorrow weather is going to much the same as today.  I'm going

to do some shopping for the weekend .... at the 'Store' in Ainster.   The 'Store' (Co-op) is stopping the Dividend and we have to spend whatever we have accumulated;  so I'll do some of that tomorrow.   I have £60 on my 'Store Card'.

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