Dull and dry....

11th February 2024 (Sunday)   17.30.... Apologies for the late 'update' but we have been busy. 

December 12th 2011.

Iain set off for home (Auchnagatt) at 12.30 ... after a busy weekend!.... when he cleared the wee hut at the back door.   It was surprising what came out of it;  in fact there was stuff that I can't remember seeing before.  I feel really shattered... and that was watching it all happen.   My job was mostly in an advisory capacity;  what to keep (not much) and what to dump (a lot).  The buckets are full of unwanted mathoms collected over the years.  The other part of my job was making the meals....  and a succession of cuppas.   In knowledgeable tidying circles this clear out could be called "doin' and Izzy"!   I wish I'd taken a before and after photograph....  but I didn't.    In fact we ever got out with the cameras;  so todays photos are from one of my old DVD's.   I shall keep on with the 'tidying up' as well as I can.... and when the buckets are available.

21.45    'Light rain and  fresh breeze' is forecast for us tomorrow... with sunny spells;  it could be a bonnie day.   I'm going to have a rest day after a busy and productive weekend.   I am well tired tonight and looking forward to going to bed with my book.   Tomorrow I'll spend catching up with some 'ousework and tidying up around Ivy.

I don't like watching the News because of the way we seem to be blundering towards WWIII.... but I also like to keep up with what's going on around the world;  so I watch the News.  I can understand why the IDF are intent on neutralising Hamas after October 7th....they are calling it 'defence', but what is happening now can't be called defence: Defence should have prevented October 7th happening in the first place.   

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