Gorgeous morrrrrrrrrrrning .....

21st July 2023 (Friday)    09.15 .... It’s a gorgeous morning.... I’ve been for the

paper (in the car because I had to get milk).... and had a quick run up to Chapel Green on the bike.    I’m thinking of going shopping after this update..... and after I’ve had another cuppa.

13.00   I went to Leven to do this morning’s shopping;   normally I’d have gone to ‘The Store’ in Anstruther, but Leven has more shops to choose from;  and Alice lives just ‘up the road’ in Methil.  This is the day that Alice goes shopping with Karen, so I had to do without a cuppa.   I’d half hoped to see Alice and Karen in Sainsbury’s but didn’t.   I lingered around for a wee while....and while doing so a pack of two Eccles Cakes louped into my trolley.   This was naughty of them because I am on a diet;  however ‘waste not want not’ ....there’s only one left.

We have a bonnie afternoon;  oh we have a few shower clouds around but.... as long as they stay around and not over we’ll be fine.   In fact, if that is the case I might go out on the bike later in the afternoon/evening

20.45    I don’t know what was in the air this afternoon, but whatever it was clobbered my breathing tubes.   Luckily I had Stage 19 of ‘le Tour’ to watch;  it was another exciting Stage with the breakaway group winning again.   I like it when the breakaway wins.   Stage 20 is a mountain Stage with multiple climbs of varying gradient;  but not as hard as Stage 17 was.   That doesn’t mean it will be easy.   I’ve also been watching ‘The Open’ now and again;  then catch up with it on BBC2 in the evening.

We were lucky with the showers forecast for the afternoon;  they missed us.  Having said that, one shower would have cleared whatever was in the air; but that’s me being selfish.... and I was happy enough watching the tele.

The wind is forecast to veer to the East tomorrow and bring in mist and low cloud off the

Chapel Green.

North Sea... so tomorrow could be damp.   I’ll get up early, hopefully before the winds shifts direction.... and have a tour of the villages, on what is going to be for me a ....‘rest day’.

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