Slightly cooler ....

18th May 2023 (Thursday)      08.15 .... it’s slightly cooler, but the sun is

working on the clouds so it should be brighter and warmer in a wee while.  Because it was cool I only went ‘roond the Ferry’ this morning;  there was a bonnie ‘light’ with an interesting sky so I have a batch o’ photographs to ‘play’ with tonight.     I think an early morrrrrning coffee would be a good idea.

17.30   I’ve had a ‘lazy’ day with Alice;  we enjoyed scoffing the last of her birthday cake, .... and a some birthday chocolates; oh .... and chatting.  I don’t know how she puts up wi’ me.... but we bumble along happily, and in ‘nae time it’s time for me to set off for home. 
 I’ve had a ‘thundery headache’ for the past couple of hours.... but that should clear once we have some rain somewhere.  Tomorrow will be a rest day!... and tonight an early night in bed.

20.30    The North of Italy is being clobbered with thunder storms and flooding:  there’s no doubt that there has been a big change in the weather systems, all over the world, in the past 50 years or so.  What will it be like after another 50?  By that time the world might be run by an oligarchy (right wing to suit Western democracy):   you know... a group of people running the world to suit their own purposes:  a bit like Great Britain (monarchy) did with ‘the Empire’. 

My thundery headache has gone and I’m now feeling playful .... but too tired to actually play.  Tomorrow is going to be ‘sunny with a moderate breeze’;  good ‘playing’ weather.... a good drying day because there’s no mention of precipitation!

I found an ant (my first) wandering around a windowsill in Alice’s today.   That was exciting.  Apart from said ant I’ve had a relaxing and enjoyable day.  After I go out early on the bike tomorrow morning for the paper, I’m going to have a totally lazy day drawing...... and having cuppas .... in The Hutte.  

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