Interesting sky ....

2nd March 2023 (Thursday)    08.00....  The cool wind, (from the NE) is

bothersome;  it’s ‘ower cauld tae gaun oot tae play’.   We also have the added hazard of showers to contend with....the last of some light rain overnight.   Having done all that moaning’:  I have an interesting sky to play with, so I’ll get out with the camera (in the car) later.... and I’ll pick up my prescription.  

15.45    My word;  the boys working next door are making good progress;  I can see the retaining wall being in place before Janice and Michael arrive at Easter.  And I have been busy too;  having been to Elie for the paper and prescription .... and up to Colinsburgh to top up the car with fuel.   Having done that I decided to take a walk to the Quarry, after morrrrrrrrrrrning coffee;  welll; I found out that it’s going to take longer than I thought to get my legs back into gear after this flu bug.  I enjoyed the ‘walk’ but my legs are surprisingly weak....which is normal after the ‘flu;  but frustrating.   Oh well I’ll just have to take it slowly; actually that will be easy as I can only do ‘slow’.   I’m like a hare walking.   Anyway I’m happy that I had a potter round the quarry.... tomorrow I might go up to the Pony Field and round the top of the Quarry, then down the third fairway. The only way to strengthen legs is by using them... either by walking or biking.

The golf course was busy with golfers... and green keepers renovating a bunker on the fourth.    Alex Cook’s memorial seat at the 17th green is handy and I used it on the way up...and down.

20.30    I’ve been putting out the bucket (Grey) and discovered that it’s raining ... as in proper much needed rain.   Most of Europe is experiencing an unusual dry spell for this time of year:  so it’s not just Tom and Natalie’s hedge that’s suffering.   By the way it’s not only wet outside.... it’s cold too.  The good news is that the rain is going to move away overnight and we’re to have ‘sunny intervals with light winds’:  so the wind chill factor shouldn’t bother us.  If  I’m feeling spritely (highly unlikely).... I might go ‘roond the villages’ on the bike.

I am really tired tonight after my wander up to the quarry;  but I am happy that I am ‘on

the mend’ at last.   An early night in bed with my book should have me verging on ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ tomorrow.

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