It's a 'play day' ....

15th October 2021 (Friday)    10.30 .... My word .... we have a beautiful

autumn day.... wall to wall sunshine, with only a breath of a breeze;  I think this might be a ‘play’ day.    I went to the beach to catch the sunrise;  the sun eventually  appeared, above a bank of low cloud, 15 minutes after sunrise time... and we are now basking in it’s lovely warmness.    I have yet to pick up the paper but I’ll get the car out for that... might even go as far as the harbour.

17.00    Myra and I had ‘morrrning coffee’ (from ‘arbour ouse) on one of the new seats alongside the kirk wall.... basking in warm sunshine, watching the traffic go by;  and there was a lot of traffic, pedestrian and vehicular.  There was so much traffic it was difficult crossing Elie High Street.   I didn’t go to the harbour, but went home then had another walk to the beach.   I’ve been to the beach twice today;  three times if you count the time I went down, fired up the camera, looked through the viewfinder and read ‘No Card’;   I’d left the card attached to the computer.  

The beach was busy.... like a warm summer’s day;  actually it felt like summer, though I noticed that most folk had an extra jacket on.    We had a yacht sailing south towards North Berwick, a couple of board walkers, folk paddling....  and swimming;  and others, like me, relaxing on a seat watching it all happen..   My knee is sair with all this activity.

22.00    I was looking forward to another sunny day tomorrow but apparently it’s going to be cloudier, and colder but, luckily,.... only a light breeze.   I must have jarred my knee sometime today because it is not a happy knee.   I’ll have a quiet day tomorrow.... hopefully manage at least one walk to the beach;  however I’ve got loads to do on the computer so I won’t be bored.

I can’t get over how busy Elie High Street was today;  it’s good to see the villages busy,

Myra - with morrrrrning coffee.

but if the roads are going to be this busy we’ll be needing a proper crossing, on Elie High Street, to access the new seating arrangements with our mugs of coffee etc.   The seats are situated perfectly for ‘people and car watching’.... especially on a day like today.

Must go "slight flap on”.... feeling in need of hot chocolate.

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