Dreich .....

28th October 2021 (Thursday)    08.30 ....  Hmmmmm ..... it’s overcast and

December 2005.

very wet at present, but I do see paler patches in the general greyness;  we might have sunny spells by lunch time.  It’s a morning for finding a good film on the tele, working on the computer or reading a book; this is going to be a ‘rest’ day.    I might take the old microwave to the recycling depot later, but right now it’s time to have breakfast.  

20.30   I have had one lazy day;   and I have really enjoyed it.   The only ‘work’ I did was sort out the kitchen and try out the new microwave.   The microwave makes all the right noises (and heats up stuff) so it’s working perfectly.   The rest of the time I watched a couple of episodes of ‘Frost’ and two of ‘Heartbeat’.... and did a wee bit of computer stuff, and a three hard Soduko’s.    This is probably the most ‘restful’ day I have had for years;   I enjoyed it but it’s not really my scene.  I didn’t even go to the recycling depot, so never took a single photograph today.    I’m blaming’ the jabs.   I’ll be glad to get out on the bike tomorrow.... I’d better check the weather forecast to see if I will get out tomorrow.   


 Oh no .... I’ve looked at the forecast and it looks like being another ‘not very bonnie day’;  heavy rain  with a moderate wind’.. the rain becoming ‘persistent’  later in the morning;  that suggest it might not be ‘persistent’  earlier.   I’m not having another ‘rest’ day so I’ll see how the weather is at 07.00.   The bike has lights that come ‘on’ automatically in low light.

22.00    Welllll .... it’s time to go to bed and read a bit of my book:  although this has been a ‘rest’ day, I haven’t been bored... but I’m tired..   I browsed a file of old photos (2005) so will use them for today’s pics.    I’ll do the same tomorrow if I don’t go out with the camera.

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