Bright and breezy ....

10th October 2021 (Sunday)   08.30 .... It’s a perfect ‘drying day’ and the

‘oliday washing is on the line.... and...  I am feeling frisky and ready to ‘go out to play’;  after I have another cuppa.    The past three mornings I have slept ‘in’.... not waking until 07.00.... but with dark mornings I don’t mind that.    ‘Slight flap on’ .... forgot to fire up the kettle.

13.00    It’s cloudier than I expected it to be today, so my ‘good drying day’ has been downgraded to a ‘drying day’;  I don’t think that it will rain but sometimes the sky does look menacing.  

I’ve been out on the bike.... up to Kinneuchar then home by way of the estate, Elie (missed out the harbour), Chapel Green, then home for a much needed cuppa.    It’s good to see the villages are still busy;  and .... there’s a lot of happy young people about, so I think this is the school midterm holidays right enough. 

19.30   The sun broke through by 14.00 and the washing dried, and has been ironed;   I am a happy boy.    As I was on a roll by this time I decided to refuel the car, and bumbled up to Colinsburgh Filling Station:  this means I am fuelled up for my run to Anstruther for the ‘jabs’, and to the Adamson (Cupar) for the blood test.   After all that work I should sleep well tonight.     That said I have been sleeping well recently;  must have been all the biking up at Auchnagatt.

The ‘Master plan’ for the next couple of weeks is to lop the bush at the back bedroom window;  it will be a ‘bit now and again’ job until it’s done;  whenever the weather is suitable.  Everything that I planned to do today has been done;  that’s unusual;  there's good chance that the bush will be lopped over the next couple of weeks.

20.30     Tomorrow’s weather is going to be ‘light cloud with a moderate breeze’.... and

Late afternoon sunlight on Kinneuchar kirk.

no mention of precipitation.    I’m going to bed early tonight:  last night I ended up watching a ‘Midsomer Murder’, one that I’d never seen before, until 23.00.   That’s way past my normal bedtime.   It’s chocolate time now.... and I have no intention of browsing the tele channels.

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