Showery ....

7th July 2021 (Wednesday)    06.30 ... In spite of the sky being overcast and not

very cheerful looking, I am feeling confident;  so confident that I have a washing going through the machine;  I can see a, not very large, blue hole in the clouds, a sure sign of ‘sunny spells’ to come..... so the washing will going out onto the line,.....  and I will be going out on the bike.  Showers, possibly heavy ones, are forecast for the afternoon.

10.30     The computer decided to install a muckle update so this is the first of me getting back on;   I did ‘fire up’ the laptop but is working slowly so I assume that it is working on the same update.    Anyway;  the sun has finally broken through .... and the washing might dry, having had another light rinse after I hung it out. 

Stage 11 of the tour is on TV from 12.00 through to 17.00.... that’s because it involves 5 climbs the last two climbs being up Mt Ventoux (1910m) from two sides with a descent and 33 km before the start of the second climb....not something I would want to do.   But it will make interesting viewing.

21.00    We’ve been lucky today;  none of the showers touched us although you could see them all around.   In fact it was a lovely, warm afternoon.... and evening.

Jo came along in the afternoon so we completed ‘catching up on each other’s news’.... Jo is going back home tomorrow.... and had a mug of my lovely coffee.   Actually I cheated, and made us Kenco cappuccino, which even I can’t make a mess of, it’s foolproof.... and tasty.

I went to Chapel Green in the evening and.... just sat back and enjoyed the calm... it was bliss.  I met, and insulted a Hungarian Vizsla dog;    I asked if it was a ‘mix’.   The dog will never ‘speak’ to me again.

There was a St Monans couple out with their dog so I caught up with the St Monans news:   it has been a good day for catching up with news.  And this turned out to be a ‘good day’ for doing the washing.... it dried:  that

reminds me I have an ironing to do.    And I also have the bike battery charger to disconnect.

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