Fresh an frisky .... (so am I)

27th December 2020 (Sunday)      07.30 .... The sky is clear (I can see the

stars), it’s breezy but nothing like it was yesterday;  and it’s going to be sunny but cool.    But not as cool as it’s going to be tonight and tomorrow, when snow and ice is mentioned in the forecast for our area.    I should get the bike out sometime today but I’ll take the car to get the paper and visit the harbour.

10.30    It’s breezy right .... with occasional spits and spots o’ rain, but nice enough if you’re well wrapped up.   The paper has been bought and the harbour checked;  it’s cauld doon there.   Then again it always is.    There was an interesting sky at sunrise time;  it was well ‘recorded’.    It’s about morrrrrrrning coffee time and I am ready for it.    Enjoy your day.... even Tier 4 can be reasonably enjoyable, in a different way from ‘normal’.   Take care and stay safe.

21.30    I had planned to go out on the bike but it was too cauld;  so I went for a walk at sunset time, up to the Pony field.  It wisnae very warm up there but it was a wee change o’ scene.    I got a few photos of the sun setting, with The Ferry in the foreground so I got back to Ivy.... cauld .. but happy.    The kettle was rapidly set to the ‘on’ position.

This has been a lazy day and, apart from going for the paper in the morrrrning then up to the Pony Field at sunset, I have been in Ivy, with an occasional foray out to the garden to feed ‘Blob’.  Susan came round so I had someone to talk too albeit briefly.   Susan brought round a portion of salmon for me and my word,  it was absolutely scrumptious.    When I do salmon it is always steamed.... this was something else.   Perhaps I should experiment a bit more in the kitchen.

What is my ‘plan’ for tomorrow?    Actually I haven’t really thought about it.    Christmas is past and the New Year celebrations muted to say the least.   However I’m

Earlsferry at sunset.

sure that we are all looking forward to 2021 and the hope that comes with it.    The biggest celebrations will happen once the COVID virus is well and truly on the wane.  

I’m orf to have a mug of ‘orlicks and see if I can find something to watch on the TV.

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