Breezy and cool ....


3rd December 2020 (Thursday)       07.30 ....’Light cloud and a moderate

Pittenweem from 'the braes' this morning.

breeze’ is the forecast for us today.  The Eastern sky is beginning to lighten and but everything is wet after a few overnight showers, but it looks like it could be a nice day.... though cool.

09.30     I can see why it’s ‘cool’;   there’s snow on the hills towards the West (of Fife) and on the Pentlands (behind Edinburgh).   It’s definitely a wrap up well day.    I intend taking the bike out around the middle of the day .... when it will  warmer(?).    The Master Plan for today is to have a ‘go’ at making shortbread.     I’ve been to ‘The Store’ and bought the ingredients (real butter) and I have one of those ‘widden’ moulds that is used to make the pattern.   It’s breakfast time.... and I’m well ready for it.

19.30   Surprise surprise  ..... the shortbread turned out really tasty.   I couldn’t find the mould so I just cut out biscuits.... I should have made the biscuits smaller ‘cos I only finished up with five.    But they’re big.

We’ve had a nice day but it has been cold;  it was 1.5C on the garden thermometer at 16.00, although it doesn’t feel quite so cold now.... which probably means it’s going to rain later.    Showers are forecast for tomorrow.

I’m feeling sad tonight.    Janis, my neighbour from across the road, came across to say “Cheerio”, and to tell me that she has moved out, and that my new neighbours will be moving in tomorrow.   Janis has been ‘across the road’ forever it seems..... and she is still a spritely young ‘girl’.   I’ve been in Ivy all the time Janis was across the road..... and look at me: I lost the ‘spritely young boy’ look a long time ago.   It’s hard coping with all the changes going on around the auld village;  but I will especially miss Janis and I do wish her ‘all the best’ in her new home.   Somebody is going to get a lovely neighbour.

Once my new neighbours settle in (I have new neighbours next door (Balvonie) and

 in Airlie) ....I have no doubt that I shall brighten up.    Anyway Janis is only as far away as Elie just now!

I am going to write some more Christmas cards for the remainder of the evening;   and watch something on the tele.


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