All is quiet at the Centre of the Universe ...

14th December 2020 (Monday)     10.30 ....I’ve been to the harbour... and  I

forgot to stop at the  paper shop ..... but I’ll do that later when I go out on the bike.    The villages are quiet this morning, though I did get lucky and had a conversation with Stewart at the harbour.   He was telling me that he couldn’t hang around ‘cos he had to hurry home to get Lorraine’s breakfast ready  .... he just loves spoiling her.    Must ‘go’ .... slight flap on.... ‘Blob’ (bless his feathery butt) will be looking for his ‘morning snack’.

15.30    The afternoon turned out ‘nae bad’ so I went out on the bike.    The original intention was to do ‘the villages’, but it began to spit rain when I was at Chapel Green so I  never got as far as Elie.  The rain never came to anything (so I could have done Elie), but I had already made my way back to Ivy and the kettle set at ‘on’, so that was that.    The bike is ‘on charge’ so I’ll have a fully charged battery tomorrow and, weather permitting, should be able to ‘spread my wings’ a wee bit.

18.30    We had a “red sky at night”.....  so ‘the boy’ will be doing a washing tomorrow.    In fact I’ll do the washing tonight so that it’s ready to hang out first thing in the morning.

Even though I went out on the bike I’ve had a sluggish day .... having had a migraine just after lunch (probably brought on by the weather) and had to take a couple of pills.   The pills tend to make me feel sluggish.    It will be an early night in bed tonight.    The day after a migraine I always feel really good.  If we get a sunny day tomorrow (the forecast is good) I should get out on the bike.... perhaps even as far as Kinneuchar to deliver Christmas cards.

21.00    I went out to see if the sky was clear but it isn’t;   I cannot see any stars.     The

The Ferry High Street.

washing machine is ‘active’ .... and the kettle ‘on’.   I’ll have a quick browse through the TV programmes to see if there’s anything I fancy watching.    I watched ‘The Gardens of Pompeii’, which I found fascinating, then found a Midsomer Murders that I might have watched, but had seen it only a week ago.   It looks like a bit of writing then orf to bed.


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