Wet ....

21st June 2020 (Sunday)    07.00 ....  There’s been a lot of rain overnight
Damp Ferry High Street.
and it is still raining;  heavy enough to stop me walking round to  get the car.    The sky is looking promising and we ought to get ‘sunny spells’ by mid morning though the chance of precipitation will be ‘high’.    It’s a computer morning. 

08.30   The rain slackened off and I went for the paper (in the car) so I have my reading material for today.... and milk to make semolina pudding.    It’s actually a braw morning.... not a speck of dust in the air;  (no pollution)..... and it’s warm.   The rain is going to be with us most of the morning but I very much doubt if I’ll get out on the bike ‘cos there’s a lot of water on the roads.    Must ‘go go go’... slight flap on.... my stomach is feeling neglected;  and I have a mission  for today.    Well a bit of it. 

This is a perfect day for doing a bit of interior gardening ..... a surprise package, a Father’s Day/Granddad’s Day present from Emily and John (Somerset).   Thanks Emily alias ‘The ‘Bumbil’  and John alias ‘Err John’.   A photo will be taken of the finished ‘work’.    I’ll have another cuppa before I start.

'M''s birthday present(s).
It’s ‘M’s birthday tomorrow/today .... New Zealand is 13 hours in front of us so I am inserting her ‘present’ on to today’s Hutte.  Usually I am 13 hours late and her birthday is almost past.    The Master Plan is;  I am not keen on queuing at the PO van so I’ll show ‘M’ her present  (her favourites;  Tunnock’s Caramel Wafers (which you cannot get in New Zealand;   Imagine a whole country without Caramel Wafers?)    and Maltesers on Skype this evening (tomorrow morning in NZ).    I’m always making it hard for myself because I will have to eat for the both of us;  but, being an ‘auld romantic’ that’s the kind of sacrifice I am prepared to make.

14.30    I was going out on the bike until about five minutes ago when we caught the edge of one of those heavy showers that have been rattling the East Neuk for the past few hours;  we’ve been lucky .... so far.    I guess I'll just have to have another cuppa!

18.00    Hmmmm .... the later afternoon has been a disappointment with lots of heavy shower clouds all around and the occasional spits and  spots of rain;  so I never did get out.    I’m thinking of going out for a walk after this update... just to get some exercise;  though working in the bathroom did involve  a fair amount of bending and the like.   The sky is still threatening heavy showers so it will have to be a short walk.
Bathroom fern.

19.30    Went up to the Pony Field and golf course;  it was spitting rain but not badly so I kept going and had a pleasant walk.   The sky was busy and interesting... and we have a nice evening now though still with the threat of showers.    Tomorrow’s forecast for us is ‘sunny spells with a moderate breeze’ with the chance of showers later in the afternoon.   I might get out on the bike if the roads are quiet.

I got the bathroom sorted and the fern is now ‘at home’.... it makes the bathroom look homelier;  I love it, and Maggie would too.

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