'Crane in' ....

1st June 2020 (Monday)    11.00 .... I’ve been a busy busy boy so far
Elie harbour at 06.15.
today; Elie harbour at no ... not work... I’ve been out on the bike twice:  the first time to go round the villages, down to the harbour before going for the paper and coming home via the Estate (I was ‘up’ at 04.30 so went out at 05.15).    When I first went out the sky was ‘wall to wall’ blue.... by the time I was at the top of Ferry Road the haar had come in.   I went into the Pony Field  and got a few photographs from the top of the quarry before going to Ivy and have a much needed cuppa .... and breakfast.    The haar seems to be breaking up now.
After breakfast I went down to the harbour to get a few shots of the boats being ‘craned in’ .... on a perfect morning with not a breath of wind.    It will be good to see the harbour with the boats at their moorings.  

Haar around the Royal Burgh?  not allowed!
21.30     ‘Crane In’ was the most stimulating event for me today;   seeing the boats going onto the water and the harbour coming to life made me feel that some ‘normality’ is coming back into our lives.     Of course life is never going to be the same as it was for us older folks;  not until the scientists come up with a vaccine, but watching the yachts going in certainly cheered me up;  and  others too I imagine.   The harbour was busy with most folks able to obey the two metre rule.

The Whooper swan is still hanging around the harbour area;  and looking dowdy so not a well bird I’m thinking..... it’s not just tiredness.   I’m wondering if the RSPCA or
'Crane in'.
RSPB would be able to do anything with it? ..... it is a wild bird in trouble.   I’ll see if it’s still hanging around tomorrow.

I have had an enjoyable and restful day.   The new plan is to go out early then spend as much as possible of the remainder of the day around Ivy.   Earlsferry is really busy just now;  in fact I’d say it was the busiest I have seen the village inn June.    June is normally a quieter month.    Tomorrow I have a Tesco delivery coming;  that’s becoming an exciting event because I slightly indulge myself by ordering four white chocolate muffins with strawberry jam in them.   That’s ‘Emergency Rations’.

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