Wall to wall blue sky ....

21st April 2020 (Tuesday)      06.30 ....I need milk (for my Cornflakes;  
West Lodge - Balcarres Estate.
actually it’s Weetabix)  so I’ll take the car up to Elie for the paper and go out on the bike after breakfast.    It’s quite breezy already this morning but already we have wall to wall sunshine so it’s going to be another bonnie day... with a cool breeze off the sea.

07.00    I’m back after a successful shopping mission;  everything I went for plus Blacketyside strawberries.   My hearing is abysmal this morning.... it could be that I’ve got water in my lugs after the shower;  but it’s probably wax.   I blame the east wind.   Orf to have breakfast.

The Balchrystie road.

17.30    It’s been a crackin’ day and I enjoyed it.   I had a change of route this morning and went up to Balchrystie (on the bike), up to the cherry trees on the road to West Lodge Balcarres, then back down to the main road into Colinsburgh then home by way of Kinneuchar and Elie estate... arriving back home after two hours and 96 photographs worth of bumbling around.    I was well ready for food .... and a couple of cuppas.   Since then I have been resting in ‘The Hutte’ reading the paper and doing Soduko’s.   I had a pleasant chat to the lassie who lives in West Lodge .... she and her husband come into ‘arbour ‘ouse  for morning coffee.   I don’t think I know their names but if I did they have slipped my memory just now.   Anyway I really enjoyed our chat.... we observed the two metre ‘rool’, which is more or less a habit by now.   Actually the lassie was in her car and I was at the other side of the road.    On
Kinneuchar Loch.
the bike there’s nae problem with keeping two metres away from folk .... it’s decent coffee and chatting that I miss the most.

19.30     The woollen wash I did this morning dried perfectly;   and its forecast to be another brilliant day tomorrow;  but I don’t have anything to wash.     Well... I guess tomorrow will have to be a rest day so I’ll stay ‘local’ on the bike.   There’s bound to be bits of Elie that I have yet to photograph?  I might have an early browse around Elie when I go for the paper.   Right now it’s time to watch ‘Last of The Summer Wine’.   Orf to put the kettle on.

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